Tagging for 2.0.1
by Marshall Culpepper
Hey Denis..
Are we ready to start tagging for 2.0.1? The unit test rate has been
pretty stable and the only errors I see seem to be Resource API related
(maybe related to the the Hibernate JDT UI tests themselves)
Marshall Culpepper
JBoss Developer Studio, JBoss Tools
17 years
VPE Tests on dev91-linux
by Denis Golovin
Max, Marshall,
I tested all available JVM to get it up, but nothing helped. Next reason
why it fails the OS. I noticed that dev91-linux is running under
os.version 2.6.9-42.0.10.ELsmp
I'd like to try it on dev65-linux or any other host that have Enterprise
Linux 5
Should we ask QA permission for that?
17 years
Re: VPE Tests on dev91-linux
by Denis Golovin
we cannot use conf1 for build because it uses eclipse driver for x86
linux platorm, conf1 has x86_64.
As I can see conf2 is x86, could we use that one?
Prabhat Jha wrote:
> Hi Marshall,
> dev-65 is tied for matrix projects in hudson. I have tied Tools_2.0.x
> build to conf1 which is also a RHEL5 machine. Please let me know if
> this solves your problem and then we will change the config for other
> builds accordingly.
> Regards,
> Prabhat
> Marshall Culpepper wrote:
>> Hey Prabhat..
>> It looks like our builds are running on the dev91-slave.. is it
>> possible to move to dev-65? Denis suspects an OS/configuration problem
>> Denis Golovin wrote:
>>> Max, Marshall,
>>> I tested all available JVM to get it up, but nothing helped. Next
>>> reason why it fails the OS. I noticed that dev91-linux is running under
>>> os.version 2.6.9-42.0.10.ELsmp
>>> I'd like to try it on dev65-linux or any other host that have
>>> Enterprise Linux 5
>>> Should we ask QA permission for that?
>>> Thanks
>>> Denis
17 years
Tests vpe.jsp and vpe.html were replaced into \trunk\vpe\tests
by Sergey Vasilyev
Tests org.jboss.tools.jsf.vpe.jsp.test and
org.jboss.tools.jsf.vpe.html.test were replaced into \trunk\vpe\tests
with new names org.jboss.tools.vpe.jsp.test and
org.jboss.tools.vpe.html.test according. The
org.jboss.tools.test.feature was updated too.
17 years