QA Daily report 24 April 2008
by Aliaksey Nis
Hello Denis,
This is Daily QA report for 24 April 2008.
Tasks performed:
1. Testing of JBDS 2.1.0-beta1 build.
Tests performed:
Free testing
Hibernate testing.
2. VPE testing.
3. Testcases updating.
4. Issues verification.
5. Issues report.
New issues found:
Best regards,
16 years, 9 months
Feedback/Questions on jbtools-200804160015-nightly
by Galder Zamarreno
Hi all,
My first email to JBoss Tools Dev list, so be gentle :)
I've playing with a nightly build of JBoss Tools, to be more precise
with the indicated build drivers and I have several comments I'd like to
1.- Is there any specific ordering to the runtime libraries in the
classpath? Why do I wanna do that? The most efficient way to add source
folders is to have client/jbossall-client.jar first. Then, as source
folder for this, you go to the root of your EAP/AS svn checkout and find
source recursively. Any classes that are not in jbossall-client.jar can
be added later, for example for jboss-aop-jdk5.jar.
If you can't put jbossall-client.jar first, you end up having to go
through each individual client jar and add source folder for that. This
can be quite a pain in the ass if you're debugging client side calls.
2.- Project Archives view is misleading -> Shown Filesets are not
accurate (see "project-archive-view-misleading-1.png"), where's the
excluded patterns? It only shows included patterns.
3.- .svn/ and CVS/ folders should be excluded from filesets by default.
Maybe an option in preferences of Project Archives?
4.- When you create an EJB project, if the ejb-jar.xml is located in
[project-name]/[source-folder]/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml, jdbs shows a nice
preview of it (see "Deployment Descriptor" at the bottom left of
"ejb-jar-xml-preview.png"). This does not happen if the ejb-jar.xml is
located somewhere else. Is this configurable?
5.- Is there a way to convert a eclipse java project into an ejb project
automatically? All my projects are currently java projects and wanna
migrate them to faced projects depending on what they do. Currently, I'm
having to create a sample project of each type, take .classpath,
.project...and other files and inject them into my original project.
This is a pain in the ass.
6.- What does this warning really mean? "CHKJ2905W: The EJB Validator
did not run because ejb-jar.xml could not be loaded. Run the XML
validator for more information.". Is it after a
[project-name]/[source-folder]/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml file?
7.- I name my runtimes and servers something like this: (servertype-version-casenumber). When creating
the server for it, I need to go back to the runtimes in
Windows/Preferences, copy/paste the runtime name, try creating the
server again and paste the name there. Wouldn't naming servers with the
runtime name by default make more sense? You've already had to think of
a unique name for the runtime and as far as I can see there's a 1-to-1
mapping between runtime and server...
8.- Project archive filter set preview is too small and not resizable.
9.- Support for SAR archives?
10.- Let's say I create a .SAR exploded project archive which contains a
exploded .WAR archive, i.e
|--> a.sar/
|--> META-INF/jboss-service.xml
|--> b.war/
|--> WEB-INF/web.xml
When I ask JBDS to filter from descriptors/ folder **/*, the generated
project archive transforms the exploded war into an jarred war. JBDS
shouldn't do that, it should keep the war exploded.
11.- Following warning: "Classpath entry
org.eclipse.jdt.junit.JUNIT_CONTAINER/3 will not be exported or
published. Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result. ". Well, I'm not
gonna include my test classes in src/test inside my deployments and I
don't wanna be including junit.jar in the deployment archive, so how can
i get rid of this warning? Judging from the quick fix, you can only
avoid this warning by adding junit.jar into the published jar which I
don't wanna do.
Last but not least: Great job to everyone involved in JBDS! In spite of
my comments above, I'm very happy with what I've seen so far!!!
Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Maintenance Engineer
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
16 years, 9 months
JBDS Hibernate - plans & priorities
by Vitali Yemialyanchyk
Max, hello.
I would like to discuss plans & priorities for issues to do next.
Now there are more than 30 opened Hibernate issues, some of it are patched -
so here I try to describe most important from my point of view to do next.
JBIDE-2008 in progress for Dima Geraskov
JBIDE-1178 in progress for Dima Geraskov
JBIDE-1921 Hibernate Tools User Guide - Fix Version/s: 2.2.x
JBIDE-1431 Generate Entities of non Empty Tables creates weird UIs - Fix
Version/s: 2.2.x
JBIDE-1708 Restore Defaults button does nothing in Properties for Hibernate
Settings - Fix Version/s: 2.2.x
- Just admit can we start some of it?
JBIDE-1610 hibernate reverse engineering - Table & Columns tab -
delete/remove button - Fix Version/s: LATER
- This issue should be simple and seems to be rather important to
be in 2.1.
JBIDE-1841 Improve error message when performing SchemaExport and an
exception occurs (e.g. SQL exception) - Fix Version/s: LATER
- improve the handling of the error - also seems simple and could
be in 2.1
JBIDE-1913 Hibernate Code Generation - properties setup special editors -
Fix Version/s: LATER
- what about this?
JBIDE-1974 Exception occurs after add additional mapping file into Hibernate
configuration that is already listed in cfg.file. - Fix Version/s: LATER
- what about this?
JBIDE-1767 & JBIDE-1768 - I can proceed with it but it seems I need your
consulting here.
Could you suggest (required to do) opened suitable issues for 2.1?
What do you think about model creation for JBDS Hibernate - maybe it is a
time to start it? But this is not 2.1 issue. - there are a lot of issues which seems to be
useful - I can dig into and propose several todo. for example
- HBX-464 - add cfg.xml editor (seems the same - HBX-10 Properties
page )
- HBX-46 allow query results to be shown lazy
- HBX-895 Content assist doesn't work when an entity alias is not
preceded by whitespace
- Etc. - there are a lot of propositions here - so
Could you define priority direction?
Best regards,
16 years, 9 months