Deploying artifacts that should be deployed before server is started
by Galder Zamarreno
From what I understand the way deployments work in JBoss AS servers is
that the server is started and then deploy() is called with the
deployments, is that correct?
If so, what do u do when you wanna deploy things that should be deployed
before AS is actually started since they affect services loaded on startup?
Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Maintenance Engineer
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
15 years, 11 months
Running UCDetector to remove obsolete resourcebundle messages
by Sean Flanigan
I've run UCDetector [1] against the codebase, and it has found 294
fields in *Messages classes which have 0 references. I've attached a
list (views well in oocalc). I'd like to remove them, along with their
corresponding resourcebundle properties, to reduce the number of
translatable strings.
UCDetector also finds lots of unused methods and classes (which may be
referencing even more obsolete strings), but I'm wary of false
positives, so I won't try to tackle them. But if anyone else …
[View More]wants to
run UCDetector against their code, I would appreciate it! (Or I could
export a larger TSV file if you don't feel like installing UCDetector.)
1. Is removing those messages a bad idea, for some reason I can't think of?
2. Should I do this under JBIDE-3557, or should I create a new task,
perhaps a sub-task?
Sean Flanigan
Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat
[View Less]
15 years, 12 months
Daily QA report for 31 March 2009
by Zhishko Yura
This is Daily QA report for 31 March 2009.
Tasks performed:
1. Testing of JBossTools-ALL-win32-3.1.0.Alpha1-N200903281201-H59
Free Testing.
VPE Tests: Seam components in VPE testing. Patch has been created to
fix s:label in VPE.
2. Issues report.
New issues found:
Component/s: Visual Page Editor Templates
16 years
Daily QA report for 20 March 2009
by Zhishko Yura
This is Daily QA report for 20 March 2009.
Tasks performed:
1. Testing of JBT 3.1.0.Alpha1-N200903181801-H41
Free testing.
2. Issues verification.
3. Testcases updates.
VPE Tests: Test name: Visual Representation \ Richfaces
components \ Toggle Panel
Test name: Visual Representation \ Richfaces components \ Tool Bar
Test name: Visual Representation \ Richfaces components \ Toggle
16 years