Re: [jboss-dev] Re: [jbosstools-dev] JSR-77 Summary
by Max Rydahl Andersen
> Before, when we discussed the JMX option, and the potential for a REST
> API, I was working under the assumption that tools only needed a basic
> set of operations.
Yes, basic:
List deployed apps/modules/resources
Stop/start apps/modules/resources
Deploy/hotdeploy apps/modules/resources
> Once this thread started talking about JSR-77 management functions,
> this to me says the profile service is the way forward.
Because we don't know of any other API we can use to get information.
> As to the tomcat API, I don't see how it provides anything close to
> JSR-77.
The tomcat API provides the 3 things from above afaics.
>> Neither JSR-77 or JSR-88 are going to be part of EE in the future.
>> The profileservice certainly is available remotely, but I thought we
>> were focusing on the hotdeployment jmx based api as discussed in:
I have asked *many* times now and *noone* have been able to show me
Profileservice being available remotely without a very *tight* dependency
on the exact version of AS plus noone have been able to tell us the
dependencies we need (except a very fuzzy maven dependency set which
were *big*
and unique per version).
If the tools have to be updated every time there is a minor release then
this is a very fragile system to depend on.
>> If we want this mapped into a resty type api ala the tomcat then that
>> needs to be defined.
If there is some other API we can use great, but a resty type API sounds
to me like the best and only option that would not be fragile.
>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>> Anyone out there listening ?
>>> Should we just drop this idea of having good remote control over AS
>>> from tooling ?
>>> /max
>>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>>> Is JSR-77 supported ? Will it be in EAP 5 ?
>>>>>> JSR-288 had similar issues earlier - are they fixed ? will they
>>>>>> be fixed ?
>>>>> JSR-77 is required for EE, but it is very out of date, and will
>>>>> likely get killed in a future release. JSR-88 is already scheduled
>>>>> for removal in EE7.
>>>> So we should not even consider using it for remote access ?
>>>>>> What are the alternatives, if any ?
>>>>> If you guys need advanced management functionality, it sounds like
>>>>> the Profile Service is going to be what you need.
>>>> Sure, but profile service is not available to us remotely.
>>>> Btw. I don't consider any of the things we want to do very advanced
>>>> - we don't want to be another JON.
>>>> Something basic and simple as i.e. Tomcat Management API would be
>>>> enough for us afaics.
>>>> It provides a simple http api to list, start/stop/undeploy
>>>> applications/resources (both local and remote resources)
>>>> btw. this is not just for *us* this is for the greater good of AS :)
>>>> /max
>> _______________________________________________
>> jboss-development mailing list
>> jboss-development(a)
15 years, 9 months
Re: [jboss-dev] Re: [jbosstools-dev] JSR-77 Summary
by Rob Stryker
JSR-77 type management isn't exactly crazy-go-nuts-complicated (at least
it doesn't appear so to me. Under the hood it could be I suppose, but
what needs to be exposed doesn't seem that bad). What doesn't seem done
is just the ability to start / stop / undeploy / redeploy a module via
JMX. I would say this set *is* a basic set of features, and it is pretty
much exactly what JSR-77 outlines.
Whether or not it's part of the future JEE doesn't mean it's not a good
management layer to expose. In all honesty I don't know if it's a great
one or not... but all I'd like to have is the ability to start / stop /
undeploy / redeploy via JMX, and parts of 77 do that ;)
Question: If something can be done via profile service, how hard / how
much work for the AS team is it to just expose that via a JMX interface?
Is this a lot of work, or do we just need to define the interface and
then it's pretty simple? The reason I ask is because the tooling likes
JMX much more than compiling against different versions of profile service.
- Rob
Jason T. Greene wrote:
> Before, when we discussed the JMX option, and the potential for a REST
> API, I was working under the assumption that tools only needed a basic
> set of operations. Once this thread started talking about JSR-77
> management functions, this to me says the profile service is the way
> forward.
> As to the tomcat API, I don't see how it provides anything close to
> JSR-77.
> Scott Stark wrote:
>> Neither JSR-77 or JSR-88 are going to be part of EE in the future.
>> The profileservice certainly is available remotely, but I thought we
>> were focusing on the hotdeployment jmx based api as discussed in:
>> If we want this mapped into a resty type api ala the tomcat then that
>> needs to be defined.
>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>> Anyone out there listening ?
>>> Should we just drop this idea of having good remote control over AS
>>> from tooling ?
>>> /max
>>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>>> Is JSR-77 supported ? Will it be in EAP 5 ?
>>>>>> JSR-288 had similar issues earlier - are they fixed ? will they
>>>>>> be fixed ?
>>>>> JSR-77 is required for EE, but it is very out of date, and will
>>>>> likely get killed in a future release. JSR-88 is already scheduled
>>>>> for removal in EE7.
>>>> So we should not even consider using it for remote access ?
>>>>>> What are the alternatives, if any ?
>>>>> If you guys need advanced management functionality, it sounds like
>>>>> the Profile Service is going to be what you need.
>>>> Sure, but profile service is not available to us remotely.
>>>> Btw. I don't consider any of the things we want to do very advanced
>>>> - we don't want to be another JON.
>>>> Something basic and simple as i.e. Tomcat Management API would be
>>>> enough for us afaics.
>>>> It provides a simple http api to list, start/stop/undeploy
>>>> applications/resources (both local and remote resources)
>>>> btw. this is not just for *us* this is for the greater good of AS :)
>>>> /max
>> _______________________________________________
>> jboss-development mailing list
>> jboss-development(a)
15 years, 10 months
Re: [jboss-dev] Re: [jbosstools-dev] JSR-77 Summary
by Max Rydahl Andersen
>> Is JSR-77 supported ? Will it be in EAP 5 ?
>> JSR-288 had similar issues earlier - are they fixed ? will they be
>> fixed ?
> JSR-77 is required for EE, but it is very out of date, and will likely
> get killed in a future release. JSR-88 is already scheduled for
> removal in EE7.
So we should not even consider using it for remote access ?
>> What are the alternatives, if any ?
> If you guys need advanced management functionality, it sounds like the
> Profile Service is going to be what you need.
Sure, but profile service is not available to us remotely.
Btw. I don't consider any of the things we want to do very advanced - we
don't want to be another JON.
Something basic and simple as i.e. Tomcat Management API would be enough
for us afaics.
It provides a simple http api to list, start/stop/undeploy
applications/resources (both local and remote resources)
btw. this is not just for *us* this is for the greater good of AS :)
15 years, 10 months
Migration to Eclipse 3.5/Galileo
by Max Rydahl Andersen
I looked through issues around Eclipse 3.5/Galieleo today - commented
and added to
Most things looks trivial so that is the good news.
The bad news is that Hibernate Dali integration, JSF/VPE's usage of
javascript and Strut dependency on removed Debug API looks like possible
big issues.
But I do though believe they are all fixable.
I therefore suggest that we ASAP(monday/tuesday?) move our trunk builds
onto the latest I-builds of Galileo (required to get VPE to work) so we
can get everyone on to Galileo ASAP.
When we do this please keep an eye out for,
to see if changes breaks others!
15 years, 10 months
Compile errors in jbosstools trunk
by Snjezana Peco
Currently there are some compile errors in the and plugin.
15 years, 10 months