Re: [jbosstools-dev] Create a new Drools 5 Runtime programmatically
by Vlado Pakan
Hi Kris,
Now it works. Thanks a lot for your help.
Kris Verlaenen wrote:
> Vlado,
> If you also need to create a new Drools runtime, simply use
> DroolsRuntimeManager.createDefaultRuntime(String location). Note that
> this only creates the runtime, you still need to register the runtime
> after that as I showed before.
> Kris
> Vlado Pakan wrote:
>> Hi Kris,
>> It's not working as I need. Runtime is added to Drools preferences
>> but is not created. I need to accomplish exactly the same situation
>> as when user choose button Create a new Drools 5 Runtime.
>> It has to create new Drools Runtime and copy all needed jar files to
>> specified location and make this Drools runtime possible to use as
>> runtime for newly created Drools project.
>> I don't install any additional Drools runtime.
>> Can you help me with this please?
>> Thanks, Vlado.
>> Kris Verlaenen wrote:
>>> Vlado,
>>> The runtimes setting is just a preference in the Eclipse preference
>>> store. You can use
>>> DroolsRuntimeManager.setDroolsRuntimes(DroolsRuntime[] runtimes) for
>>> creating that.
>>> You should create a DroolsRuntime with:
>>> - name: just give it some name
>>> - path: the (top-level) directory that contains the Drools runtime jars
>>> - default: set this to true if you only have one, you should always
>>> have one default runtime
>>> - jars: the list of jars that have been detected, best to leave this
>>> null and then call DroolsRuntimeManager.recognizejars(DroolsRuntime
>>> runtime) to populate the list
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Kris
>>> Andersen Max wrote:
>>>> please start using jbosstools-dev for such dev related questions.
>>>> Kris and/or Snjezana should be able to help you with this.
>>>> /max
>>>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 12:22, Vlado Pakan wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I need to test Drools Tools using SWTBot.
>>>>> To accomplish this I need to Create a new Drools 5 Runtime. User
>>>>> can Create new Drools runtime choosing menu Window > Preferences >
>>>>> Drools > Installed Drools Runtimes > Add... > Create a new Drools
>>>>> 5 Runtime. This open native dialog for new runtime directory
>>>>> selection.
>>>>> Unfortunately SWTBot is not able to handle native dialogs so I'm
>>>>> not able to use SWTBot to create this runtime but I need this it
>>>>> for following SWTBot tests.
>>>>> Can somebody give me instructions how to create Drools Runtime
>>>>> programmatically from the test plugin?
>>>>> Any help appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks, Vlado.
14 years, 10 months
Re: [jbosstools-dev] Create a new Drools 5 Runtime programmatically
by Vlado Pakan
Hi Kris,
It's not working as I need. Runtime is added to Drools preferences but
is not created. I need to accomplish exactly the same situation as when
user choose button Create a new Drools 5 Runtime.
It has to create new Drools Runtime and copy all needed jar files to
specified location and make this Drools runtime possible to use as
runtime for newly created Drools project.
I don't install any additional Drools runtime.
Can you help me with this please?
Thanks, Vlado.
Kris Verlaenen wrote:
> Vlado,
> The runtimes setting is just a preference in the Eclipse preference
> store. You can use
> DroolsRuntimeManager.setDroolsRuntimes(DroolsRuntime[] runtimes) for
> creating that.
> You should create a DroolsRuntime with:
> - name: just give it some name
> - path: the (top-level) directory that contains the Drools runtime jars
> - default: set this to true if you only have one, you should always
> have one default runtime
> - jars: the list of jars that have been detected, best to leave this
> null and then call DroolsRuntimeManager.recognizejars(DroolsRuntime
> runtime) to populate the list
> Hope this helps.
> Kris
> Andersen Max wrote:
>> please start using jbosstools-dev for such dev related questions.
>> Kris and/or Snjezana should be able to help you with this.
>> /max
>> On Apr 7, 2010, at 12:22, Vlado Pakan wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I need to test Drools Tools using SWTBot.
>>> To accomplish this I need to Create a new Drools 5 Runtime. User can
>>> Create new Drools runtime choosing menu Window > Preferences >
>>> Drools > Installed Drools Runtimes > Add... > Create a new Drools 5
>>> Runtime. This open native dialog for new runtime directory selection.
>>> Unfortunately SWTBot is not able to handle native dialogs so I'm not
>>> able to use SWTBot to create this runtime but I need this it for
>>> following SWTBot tests.
>>> Can somebody give me instructions how to create Drools Runtime
>>> programmatically from the test plugin?
>>> Any help appreciated.
>>> Thanks, Vlado.
14 years, 10 months
Re: [jbosstools-dev] Create a new Drools 5 Runtime programmatically
by Andersen Max
please start using jbosstools-dev for such dev related questions.
Kris and/or Snjezana should be able to help you with this.
On Apr 7, 2010, at 12:22, Vlado Pakan wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to test Drools Tools using SWTBot.
> To accomplish this I need to Create a new Drools 5 Runtime. User can Create new Drools runtime choosing menu Window > Preferences > Drools > Installed Drools Runtimes > Add... > Create a new Drools 5 Runtime. This open native dialog for new runtime directory selection.
> Unfortunately SWTBot is not able to handle native dialogs so I'm not able to use SWTBot to create this runtime but I need this it for following SWTBot tests.
> Can somebody give me instructions how to create Drools Runtime programmatically from the test plugin?
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks, Vlado.
14 years, 10 months
Change in jira notification
by Andersen Max
Based on input from the last two face-to-face meetings I've changed the jira default assignment from being always "Unassigned" to be "Assign to component lead if component has an identified lead".
This means we no longer can use "unassigned" as indicator for if someone got assigned or committed to do the issue but also means you should be getting notifications as soon as an issue gets reported to the components you are leading - thus now more important that ever that you reassign/set-fix-version if issue is not on your plate.
Note, I haven't yet changed the component leads and some still don't have an identified lead so if they are wrong or needs updating then let me know and i'll fix those. Going forward we should get someone identified as lead for every component we have.
I've also updated the "How Developers should use JBoss Tools Jira"-wiki ( to reflect this.
Let's see if this makes us process incoming jira faster :)
14 years, 10 months