(no subject)
by Ângelo Costa
I need to install switchyard service debugger. Any tutorial on the web
which i can follow?
I am using JBoss Developer Studio Version: 7.1.1.GA <http://7.1.1.ga/>.
Thanks in advance,
Ângelo Costa
10 years, 3 months
ATTENTION REQUIRED: 4.2.1/8.0.1 triage
by Alexey Kazakov
There are 87 unresolved issues with Fix Version=4.2.1.Final (JBT) and
8.0.1.GA (JBDS) in our JIRA.
I believe we are not going to fix all of them in next 10 days:
We are going to have one respin for 4.2.1.CR1 on 7th December ( + little
one on 11th December if needed).
So, I'm asking all developers, please go to JIRA and mark all issues you
are going to fix for 4.2.1/8.0.1 as:
*Fix Version/s:* 4.2.1.CR1 (or 8.0.1.CR for JBDS)
*Label:* respin-a
And make sure your QE are OK with your plans. The rest of the issues
with fix version = "4.2.1.Final/8.0.1.GA" should be moved out to
4.2.2/8.0.2 or 4.2.x/8.0.x.
Thank you!
10 years, 3 months
ACTION REQUIRED: Time to test out Tycho 0.22.0 for master branch builds
by Nick Boldt
Some cool changes [1] are coming in Tycho 0.22, which should be released
* *INCOMPATIBLE* Bundle-RequireExecutionEnvironment (BREE) changes
* source bundle inclusion in target platforms
* JDT prefs
* support for JRE 1.8
* support for things like ${project.version} in a build.properties file
* newer version of Surefire
* using Surefire w/ specific JDK set by test bundle's BREE
* updated to use Mars M3
* more: see https://wiki.eclipse.org/Tycho/Release_Notes/0.22
If you have a chance to build your component w/ 0.22, please do and let
me know if anything breaks.
To test w/ 0.22, you need to do two things:
a) add the new pluginRepository listed below to your ~/.m2/settings.xml
b) build with mvn -DtychoVersion=0.22.0
I've already noticed one problem: our repository-utils don't work w/ 0.22:
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(generate-facade) on project parent: Execution generate-facade of goal
failed: A required class was missing while executing
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [tycho-user] Tycho 0.22.0 staged
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:15:56 +0000
From: Sievers, Jan <jan.sievers(a)sap.com>
Reply-To: Tycho user list <tycho-user(a)eclipse.org>
To: Tycho user list (tycho-user(a)eclipse.org) <tycho-user(a)eclipse.org>
CC: Tycho developers list (tycho-dev(a)eclipse.org) <tycho-dev(a)eclipse.org>
Tycho milestone release 0.22.0 has been staged.
For details of new features and bugfixes, see release notes [1].
Please help by testing the staged milestone build. To use it, change
your tycho version to 0.22.0 and add snippet [2] to your pom.
We plan to promote this release in one week unless major regressions are
Tycho team
[1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Tycho/Release_Notes/0.22
tycho-user mailing list
To change your delivery options, retrieve your password, or unsubscribe
from this list, visit
10 years, 3 months
FYI: Docker in Jenkins
by Nick Boldt
FYI, we can now run docker container builds on RHEL7 x86_64 slaves, if
we want to.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Docker on Beaker slaves
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 09:46:17 +0100
From: oliver gondža <ogondza(a)redhat.com>
To: jboss-qa-internal(a)redhat.com <jboss-qa-internal(a)redhat.com>
I would like to inform you that rhel7&&x86_64 machines provisioned from
Beaker[1] are configured to run docker containers locally via docker
command. If you are managing you own slaves make sure to fetch the latest
sources[2] and reprovision (label will be added automatically).
[1] https://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/label/docker/
JBoss QA Jenkins Team
10 years, 3 months
Webservices are going to be marked
by Marian Labuda
Hi all,
Webservices JIRAs are going to be labelled according to the type of webservice (soap/rest). This will help QE a lot, but also devs could profit because of more accurate filtering of WS JIRAs (triaging...). RESTful webservices will be using label "jax-rs" and SOAP webservices will be using label "jax-ws".
Marián Labuda
10 years, 3 months