ACTION REQUIRED: 3 issues with no component
This email is the result of a query to locate stalled/invalid jiras. Please fix them. Thanks!
* No component for JBIDE-19590
Summary: Update module's files with information about dependencies to other modules
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please ensure this issue has a proper component set.
Last Update: 1 day, 21:23:24.124319
* No component for JBIDE-19627
Summary: JBoss Tools disables ability to select workspace
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please ensure this issue has a proper component set.
Last Update: 12:50:27.124023
* No component for JBDS-3407
Summary: Not able to create 'non-bare' repository in JBDS 8.1.
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please ensure this issue has a proper component set.
Last Update: 2 days, 1:01:15.124514
Query used:
9 years, 9 months
ACTION REQUIRED: 3 issues with no component
This email is the result of a query to locate stalled/invalid jiras. Please fix them. Thanks!
* No component for JBIDE-19590
Summary: Update module's files with information about dependencies to other modules
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 1 day, 19:09:25.176659
* No component for JBIDE-19627
Summary: JBoss Tools disables ability to select workspace
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 10:36:28.168051
* No component for JBDS-3407
Summary: Not able to create 'non-bare' repository in JBDS 8.1.
Assignee: None set - please fix.
Component: None set - please fix.
Problem: No component - please assign this issue to one or more components.
Last Update: 1 day, 22:47:16.177053
Query used:
9 years, 9 months
Re: [jbosstools-dev] your web site...
by Ashley Fletcher
My name is Tao Zhi and I'm an independent web strategist.
I came across your business website while researching
a client's site for toxic links; your website was
linked to some of the same bad sites. I also noticed
it was not fully compliant with Google's
new Penguin 3.0 Algorithm and Panda rules.
Whenever I find good companies with online issues
I tend to reach out and let them know, In 20 minutes
I can show you how you could fuel your brand and
generate more revenue from search engines and
social networks. These are tactics we've used
to help over 300 clients grow their business
and are currently "The fastest growing Internet
marketing Company in China"!
All I'd like to do is follow up about this with
a quick phone call... Can I call you this week
to discuss some proven strategies that can help
your business grow? Looking forward to your
positive response.
Warm Regards,
Tao Zhi
Grow Business Rankings
62 Renmin Lu, Qingdao Shi
Shandong, 266033
9 years, 9 months
Question on data virtualization runtimes and where downloadRuntime support belongs
by Rob Stryker
Hey all:
So, astools has historically housed almost all the download-runtime code
for various jboss runtimes. This changed a bit, however, when karaf /
fuse / serviceworks came on the scene. The FuseIDE code now provides a
home for their server bean loaders (things that accurately identify
local installs), their runtime detectors (to work with turning those
installs into IRuntime objects in eclipse), and their download runtimes
(to know where to fetch them / download them / install them).
Where does Data Virtualization / teiid fit in for this? I'm not very
familiar with what teiid adds on to our server types. It seems they
don't add their own server types, so that would suggest I should put
their runtime detection code in with astools. However, if they require
any special / teiid-only property keys to be set when creating the
server, that would indicate they should handle the import and not me,
since I won't have access to their custom keys. This is important for
runtime detection, as I don't want to return a half-complete runtime /
server with missing flags that's unusable for teiid.
So the question is: where should the code for recognizing local DV
installs, downloading DV runtimes, etc, live? ASTools, or Teiid?
- Rob Stryker
9 years, 9 months