I'm not sure but I believe Tycho may filter the output directory.
And, given the way Eclipse build.properties work, you probably need to add bin/forge and
bin/forge.bat to the list of includes, which means they will be in the bin dir in the
resulting archive.
Yes if they need to get in then yes.
Theoretically, you should not need to include .classpath or .project
or .settings as m2eclipse w/tycho should take care of configuring the project correctly.
We deliberately do not do this because m2eclipse + PDE on 300+ plugins still fails rather
If you want to get fancy, you could also configure a dependency:copy
execution to pull in the relevant jars (e.g. jboss-modules.jar) and place them in the
correct locations. This would save having jars checked into svn (drawback is that you
have to run process-(re)sources, to copy down the jars, before the project will configure
correctly). It would also allow you to more easily update the jars used (at the cost of
potentially pulling down an unstable snapshot, if that's what you're using). If
you'd like an example, you can look at the org.switchyard.tools.core plugin in the
switchyard tools git repo
Yes - this use case its relevant and I would like to do it more for the jars that makes it
possible but I don't believe there is a forge distribution in mvn that we can use for
this ?
And yes - if any plugins do this they should *not* depend on snapshots - at least not for
milestone/release builds.
Digging further I noticed another potential problem. bin folder has two files that never
gets into bundle. Do we need them?
On 10/20/2011 04:53 PM, Denis Golovin wrote:
It looks like it is fine do not have src folder in tycho 0.13.0. No failures, but no
.source.jars as well.
The right fix is
add '.' into libraries list like this
<Mail Attachment.png>
which means only build.properties should be changed like shown below
<Mail Attachment.png>
This fix forks for both tycho versions 0.12.0 and 0.13.0
On 10/20/2011 01:40 PM, Max Andersen wrote:
Is there not a way to conditionally enable the source packaging instead of these
"fixes" ?
Denis Golovin committed 35852 on branch trunk in JBossTools
added src folder to fix source gathering related errors
· /trunk/forge/plugins/org.jboss.tools.forge.runtime/.classpath (-0, +1) | History |
Source | Diff
· /trunk/forge/plugins/org.jboss.tools.forge.runtime/src (-0, +0) | History | Source
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