Hi John,
I'm attempting to validate that
https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-6347 is resolved by creating a Seam project sourced
from Teiid VDB, and I'm running into this issue:
https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-1882. Quite frankly, I'm not familiar enough with
the Hibernate/Seam tooling to know what JBIDE-1882 means. Can somebody give me a quick
explanation of the problem and hint on the workaround/resolution for 1882?
JBIDE-1882 says that you have created an generic exporter (hbmtemplate) which is the very
low level way of configuring generation.
To have that working you need to set File Pattern - add such by clicking
"Add..." in the properties section. It provides a "default" value for
you that you can adjust if you want to.
But I would say you should just try use the Domain code (.java) option - that should
require zero configuration.
btw. I just noticed the answer on JBIDE-1882 - I still don't know where the actual
*driver* for the teiid jdbc driver is located - without that users won't be able to
run this.
I'm really interested in knowing what you did to set that up...