Great work Marshall, thanks for your effort..
unfortunately there seems to be some problem in the jbossws-plugins..
they work neither in the all distribution or in the standalone.. we'll
check into it and let you know when its fixed
Marshall Culpepper skrev:
Hey guys...
After several hours of grueling last night and today I finally got the
eviware JBossWS feature compiled with the JBossIDE build system. It
turns out the .classpath file of com.eviware.soapui.core wasn't
updated to reflect the Java1.5 source compatibility that was
configured in the MANIFEST.MF. I am going to be committing the new
builder into CVS and executing a build that will notify this list.
At any rate... I wanted to shed light on the fact that this is our
first 1.5 plugin meaning that we should probably think about how we
want to distribute. IMO, it is fair to expect users to have a 1.5
compatible JRE now that we are over halfway through 2006, but I am
willing to hear other opinions ;). If worse comes to worse, we can
ship JBossWS tools seperate as part of the release, but I am hoping it
will not come to that. Right now JBossWS is our only 1.5 source-level
plugin, but webtools 2.0 (which i assume we will be using in our next
release i.e. JBossIDE 2.1 etc) will make full use of 1.5 source, so
it's only a matter of time.....
Marshall Culpepper
marshall.culpepper(a) <>
JBoss Eclipse IDE Lead, JBoss Inc.