Re: [jbosstools-dev] Weird code in Seam runtime management...
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Denis Golovin wrote:
> Max,
> how fast you forgot about component :)
Sure - but our seam component is not in and it ain't
a standard as "JEE standard tools" were for.
> denis.
> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> Third question:
>> Why is the seam facet id "jst.seam" ?
>> "jst" is the name domain of Eclipse WTP's jst modules; what does our
>> seam facet have to do with that ?
>> /max
>>> Another question:
>>> Why do we need to have our own copy of application.xml when seam-gen
>>> has one ?
>>> We need to get seam-gen fixed if this is broken somehow.
>>> /max
>>>> Hi Denis,
>>>> I stepped over some code I don't understand why is needed in Seam
>>>> runtime management.
>>>> SeamRuntimeListConverter1 (weird class name, why an 1 at the end ?),
>>>> seem to do some really weird conversion between maps and strings on
>>>> the form
>>>> "name|some Name|version|1123123|homeDir|somedir|default|true"
>>>> ...why are we storing such weird strings in preferences ?
>>>> (Is that normal for eclipse preferences ? That looks very
>>>> unmaintainable)
>>>> Why isn't the info about what runtime is default a single named
>>>> preference instead of maintained on each runtime ?
>>>> And why are these classes in a package called
>>>> org.seam.core.project.facet ? These things are and should be
>>>> independent of WTP facets (and SeamRuntimeListConverter1 sound like
>>>> something that should be inside the internal package)
>>>> /max
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17 years, 3 months
Seam facet test created/added
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Hi guys,
I was surprised to see no tests actually ran our seam wizards (or rather
the seamfacetdelegate) and I needed that to start adding Seam 2 project
facet delegate; so I went ahead and created one that creates both an War
and a Ear project.
It does not verify much (except that the releated projects gets
created), but now it should be ultra simple for everyone to add more to
these tests to assert the changes you make.
The basic test is to be found in SeamFacetInstallDelegateTest.
17 years, 3 months
WTP 2.0.1 drivers..
by Marshall Culpepper
Hey guys.. just wanted to give a heads up.
WTP 2.0.1 uses Eclipse 3.3.1, GEF 3.3.1, EMF 2.3.1, and DTP 1.5.1 as
drivers, meaning we will need to upgrade all the mentioned drivers..
Just wanted to make sure that was communicated..
Marshall Culpepper
JBoss Tools, Red Hat Developer Studio
17 years, 3 months
xulrunner merge to main branch
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Hi Sergey,
We should be ok to start doing the merge from xulrunner to main branch
on monday.
Are the two branches ready/in-sync ready to do the merge ?
17 years, 3 months
Upgrade to WTP 2.0.1 ?
by Max Rydahl Andersen
2.0.1 got release last week and fixes a lot of issues related to JEE and
Server modules.
I think we should upgrade ASAP to get it into GA.
Any objections ?
17 years, 3 months
WTP Application Client Projects
by Rob Stryker
Hi Tim:
I've asked on the user newsgroups and got no response, so I figured
since I've grown so close to you [ ;) ] I'd throw this question at you.
A user of ours is wondering why an application client project, which is
a child of an EAR, is not being deployed. I checked with our adapter and
also the WTP adapter, and neither deploy the client app.
Is the client application intended to be deployed as a child module of
the EAR? If it is, could you tell me hte reasoning? If it's not, could
you also tell me hte reasoning so that I can forward that to the user as
incorrect usage?
Thanks for your time. I hope all is well with you.
- Rob Stryker
17 years, 3 months
Re: Getting ready for CR/GA - focus jira
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Svetlana Mukhina wrote:
> You wrote " A lot of the issues are documentation related (50+); and split
> between Svetlana and Anatoly Fedosik - are these all supposed to be fixed
> within the next 2-3 weeks ?"
> No, some of these tasks can't be completed in next 2-3 weeks.
Then you need to go through them and not have it marked as something
that is not ready for CR1/GA.
I have created a .0.1 and .1 version for both JBIDE and RHDS to let you
spread it over the releases that will come after GA.
> ~~~
> Sveta Mukhina
> -----Original Message-----
> From: external-exadel-list-bounces(a)
> [] On Behalf Of Max Rydahl
> Andersen
> Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 6:42 PM
> To: exadel list; jbosstools-dev(a)
> Subject: Getting ready for CR/GA - focus jira
> Hi team,
> We need to get jira cleaned up for duplicate or already fixed issues.
> We have close to a 100 in total open issues assigned to CR/GA and we
> need to ensure we only have actual relevant issues set to be fixed.
> It is also the time where if you find any issue with the latest release
> that you report it and even better also fix it ;)
> Denis is walking through the Exadel developer issues for JBIDE and RHDS
> and it would be great if you react ASAP on his questions/assignments so
> we can get things filtered out.
> For the JBoss Team please go through your assigned issues and verify if
> the issues are still valid and whether you will actually want to/be able
> to fix the related issues.
> A lot of the issues are documentation related (50+); and split between
> Svetlana and Anatoly Fedosik - are these all supposed to be fixed within
> the next 2-3 weeks ?
> Quick access to bugs assigned to you follow these links:
> id=12310342&assigneeSelect=issue_current_user&resolution=-1
> id=10020&assigneeSelect=issue_current_user&resolution=-1
> On friday we will have a conf call to discuss the remaining/identified
> issues.
> Thanks,
> /max
17 years, 3 months
Getting ready for CR/GA - focus jira
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Hi team,
We need to get jira cleaned up for duplicate or already fixed issues.
We have close to a 100 in total open issues assigned to CR/GA and we
need to ensure we only have actual relevant issues set to be fixed.
It is also the time where if you find any issue with the latest release
that you report it and even better also fix it ;)
Denis is walking through the Exadel developer issues for JBIDE and RHDS
and it would be great if you react ASAP on his questions/assignments so
we can get things filtered out.
For the JBoss Team please go through your assigned issues and verify if
the issues are still valid and whether you will actually want to/be able
to fix the related issues.
A lot of the issues are documentation related (50+); and split between
Svetlana and Anatoly Fedosik - are these all supposed to be fixed within
the next 2-3 weeks ?
Quick access to bugs assigned to you follow these links:
On friday we will have a conf call to discuss the remaining/identified
17 years, 3 months