Dev/QA: Update to Eclipse 3.3.1 and WTP 2.0.1
by Max Rydahl Andersen
It seems like not all got the message about us targeting Eclipse 3.3.1
and WTP 2.0.1 from now on.
Please update your installs so we are doing dev and QA on the platform
we are targeting - thanks.
17 years, 3 months
Regression report
by Denis Golovin
Last regression tests report is placed in SVN
Aliaksey Nis wrote:
> Hello Denis,
> We finished regression testing of Red Hat Developer Studio beta2
> with next results:
> Date: 15/10/2007
> Build Number: 200710080005-nightly
> Number of Testcases: 293
> Pecentage of Test Cases Executed: 95*
> Percentage of Test Cases Failed: 9
> Regression report: Attached
> *. Skipped Server's usage tests, coz nothing changes from previous
> regression testing.
17 years, 3 months
Weird code in Seam runtime management...
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Hi Denis,
I stepped over some code I don't understand why is needed in Seam
runtime management.
SeamRuntimeListConverter1 (weird class name, why an 1 at the end ?),
seem to do some really weird conversion between maps and strings on the
"name|some Name|version|1123123|homeDir|somedir|default|true"
...why are we storing such weird strings in preferences ?
(Is that normal for eclipse preferences ? That looks very unmaintainable)
Why isn't the info about what runtime is default a single named
preference instead of maintained on each runtime ?
And why are these classes in a package called
org.seam.core.project.facet ? These things are and should be independent
of WTP facets (and SeamRuntimeListConverter1 sound like something that
should be inside the internal package)
17 years, 3 months