[jbosside-dev] JBossWS Tools / SoapUI compile errors
by Marshall Culpepper
Hey guys...
Temporarily removing the jbossws builder from the nightly build system
until these compile errors get resolved (enumerated below):
[java] [javac] 763. ERROR in
(at line 164)
[java] [javac] wsdl2Java.setFile( getWsdlUrl( values ) );
[java] [javac] ^^^^^^^
[java] [javac] The …
[View More]method setFile(String) is undefined for the
type WsdlToJavaTypeConfig
[java] [javac] ----------
[java] [javac] 764. ERROR in
(at line 165)
[java] [javac] wsdl2Java.setUnwrap( values.getBoolean(
[java] [javac] ^^^^^^^^^
[java] [javac] The method setUnwrap(boolean) is undefined for
the type WsdlToJavaTypeConfig
Marshall Culpepper
JBossIDE Team Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
[View Less]
18 years
[jbosside-dev] Re: New packaging / Seam integration
by Marshall Culpepper
Cool, we'll probably just end up creating a package type for Seam then..
Gavin King wrote:
> You dont need to do anything special, just copy class files across to
> the exploded dir.
> However, it is a special directory, WEB-INF/dev.
> On 3/9/07, *Marshall Culpepper * <marshall.culpepper(a)redhat.com
> <mailto:marshall.culpepper@redhat.com>> wrote:
> Hey guys...
> Just wanted to start a thread about integrating our new packaging
[View More]gt; tools
> w/ Seam. IIRC, Gavin told me Monday that Seam has incremental
> class/module deployment... is there anything special we need to do to
> trigger an update other than update/overwrite the code? Does the
> incremental deployer only work with exploded deployments?
> --
> Marshall Culpepper
> marshall.culpepper(a)jboss.com <mailto:marshall.culpepper@jboss.com>
> JBossIDE Team Lead
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
> --
> Gavin King
> gavin.king(a)gmail.com <mailto:gavin.king@gmail.com>
> http://hibernate.org
> http://jboss.com/products/seam
Marshall Culpepper
JBossIDE Team Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
[View Less]
18 years
[jbosside-dev] New packaging / Seam integration
by Marshall Culpepper
Hey guys...
Just wanted to start a thread about integrating our new packaging tools
w/ Seam. IIRC, Gavin told me Monday that Seam has incremental
class/module deployment... is there anything special we need to do to
trigger an update other than update/overwrite the code? Does the
incremental deployer only work with exploded deployments?
Marshall Culpepper
JBossIDE Team Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
18 years