Re: [jbosstools-dev] Handy Plugin - debug another eclipse
by Rob Stryker
Hi Snzejzana:
I've been using it to debug remote java applications... specifically
I'll start one eclipse with debug variables, and then from another
eclipse, create a Remote Java Application launch configuration (with no
project selected) and for the source tab I'd add the 'Eclipse
Installation" source type using the targeted eclipse's "eclipse" folder.
It's pretty raw right now... it was quick and dirty ;) I also
discovered a bug in it today which I fixed and committed (type id's …
[View More]not
If you need any help feel free to contact me directly.
Snjezana Peco wrote:
> I would also like to use this plugin, but can't enable it.
> Could you please tell me what kind of a project, classpath entry and
> launch conf you are using.
> I tried to add a source attachment using the Java Build Path
> properties page, but couldn't see "Eclipse Installation".
> I am sure I added the plugin because I see it in the osgi console.
> Snjeza
> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:53:44 +0100, Rob Stryker
>> <rob.stryker(a)> wrote:
>>> You create a source attachment and it comes up as one of the source
>>> attachment types. It says "Eclipse Installation" right now.
>> ah got ya....yes sounds like a handy generic thing ;)
>> /max
>>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>> Yes, I know how to an plugin into eclipse...but from there on what
>>>> do I do ?
>>>> does it all happen automatically and it starts doing lookups
>>>> without me telling it what to do ?
>>>> /max
>>>>> I could switch it up so it just accepts an ant fileset and is usable
>>>>> anywhere.
>>>>> To enable it, you have to check out the source, export the project
>>>>> as a
>>>>> plugin (aka have PDE build it for you), and then shove the jar in
>>>>> your
>>>>> plugins folder. If you need any help just ask.
>>>>> - Rob
>>>>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>>> sounds do I enable it ? And is it only for PDE or
>>>>>> usable in general ?
>>>>>> I could see the use of that elsewhere than just PDE.
>>>>>> -max
>>>>>>> Hi all...
>>>>>>> So this past week when I was running 4 different eclipses at
>>>>>>> once to
>>>>>>> determine the differences between wtp 2.0.1 and wtp 2.0.2 in
>>>>>>> deploying
>>>>>>> nested archives (the seam bug), I developed a quick plugin to be
>>>>>>> able to
>>>>>>> add one eclipse's source to source lookup.
>>>>>>> The reason I made this is because the current source-lookup
>>>>>>> options were
>>>>>>> absolute crap. Adding a folder is designated for a folder of solely
>>>>>>> source files. Adding an archive or external archive is the same.
>>>>>>> There
>>>>>>> was no option to search through a nested folder for all source
>>>>>>> files.
>>>>>>> And when running in one eclipse and debugging the *same
>>>>>>> instance*, you
>>>>>>> could of course use the project which allows you to search all
>>>>>>> plugins.
>>>>>>> This becomes most useful when using one eclipse to debug an
>>>>>>> *older* (or
>>>>>>> newer) version with completely different source. That's
>>>>>>> basically the
>>>>>>> use case. Marshall says he's used it a few times already.
>>>>>>> I added it to svn:
>>>>>>> jbosstools/trunk/labs/plugins/
>>>>>>> There's no binary in svn yet and it's a little rudimentary =P It
>>>>>>> basically just searches a root folder (the eclipse installation)
>>>>>>> for any
>>>>>>> zip file that ends in "". Then it delegates to a bunch of
>>>>>>> regular external archive source containers for those individual
>>>>>>> paths.
>>>>>>> Future enhancements if I get annoyed enough may be to allow you
>>>>>>> to add
>>>>>>> any ant-type pattern matching. Suggestions are welcome.
>>>>>>> Again, I found it to be very very handy and Marshall says he's
>>>>>>> used it
>>>>>>> as well.
>>>>>>> - Rob Stryker
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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[View Less]
16 years, 11 months
JDBCReader question
by Vitali Yemialyanchyk
Could you please review this small code snippet and answer -
Do I think/move in a right direction?
16 years, 11 months
VPE editor
by Snjezana Peco
I have two suggestions for improving performance in the VPE editor:
- lazy Visual Editor update
The Visual editor is updated on every keystroke. I propose to postpone
the update for some time. This means - if a user enters a few keys
quickly, the Visual editor will be updated only once. There is the
org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.sourcevalidation extenison point within the
Webtools project that can be used for adding this feature. It is also
possible to implement this feature using the code …
[View More]I added when fixing (we could use 400 ms during
editing; this is the default value for the sourcevalidation extenison
- adding the Link (Synchronize) action to the Visual editor next to the
Preferences, Refresh, Page Design Options actions.
This action would be a check box similar to the "Link with editor" in
the Package Explorer view. It would be checked/enabled by default. In
that case, the VPE would behave as it does now. If the user disables the
action, the VPE wouldn't be updated (VpeController.notifyChanged()
wouldn't be called). This would be very useful when editing large JSP
files. The user could always call Refresh (or check Link) to show the
visual part of the editor.
These features are easy to implement and don't require a lot of changes
in the code.
[View Less]
16 years, 11 months
TextFormatting tag should have default behavior, now it is used as copy everywhere(JBIDE-1494)
by Max Areshkau
JBIDE-1494 was fixed.
Here some results of fixing this bug:
1. for tag *vpe:textFormatting* was added attribute
2. if user specify /<vpe:textFormatting use-default-formats="yes">,/
than formats which specified in file will be added as
formats for template
3. Now in are
specified following formats as default:
/ <vpe:…
[View More]format type="UnderlineFormat">
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
<vpe:format type="BoldFormat">
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
<vpe:format type="ItalicFormat">
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
<vpe:format type="FontNameFormat">
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
<vpe:format type="FontSizeFormat">
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
<vpe:format type="BackgroundColorFormat">
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
<vpe:format type="ForegroundColorFormat">
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
4. Some Examples of using:
* <!--Simply adds to template default formats -->
/ <vpe:textFormatting use-default-formats="yes">
* <!-- Doesn't uses default formats, here simply will
be available only one format -->
/ <vpe:textFormatting>
<vpe:format type="UnderlineFormat">
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
* <!--Uses default format and adds own formats you can
see template for 'span'-->
/ <vpe:textFormatting use-default-formats="yes">
<vpe:format type="BlockFormat" addChildren="allow"
<vpe:format type="BoldFormat">
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
* <!-- If use-default-formats="yes" and format with some
type exist in local definition, than will be used format from
local definition of formats-->
<vpe:textFormatting use-default-formats="yes">
<vpe:format type="BlockFormat" addChildren="allow"
<vpe:format type="BoldFormat">
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
<vpe:format type="UnderlineFormat" addChildren="allow"
<vpe:format type="UnderlineFormat"> *<!-- will be used
this definition but not format from default formats -->*
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
<vpe:format type="ItalicFormat" addChildren="allow"
<vpe:format type="ItalicFormat">
<vpe:formatAttribute type="style" />
* For mare examples you can see tempates configuration files like
[View Less]
16 years, 11 months
Handy Plugin - debug another eclipse
by Rob Stryker
Hi all...
So this past week when I was running 4 different eclipses at once to
determine the differences between wtp 2.0.1 and wtp 2.0.2 in deploying
nested archives (the seam bug), I developed a quick plugin to be able to
add one eclipse's source to source lookup.
The reason I made this is because the current source-lookup options were
absolute crap. Adding a folder is designated for a folder of solely
source files. Adding an archive or external archive is the same. There
was no …
[View More]option to search through a nested folder for all source files.
And when running in one eclipse and debugging the *same instance*, you
could of course use the project which allows you to search all plugins.
This becomes most useful when using one eclipse to debug an *older* (or
newer) version with completely different source. That's basically the
use case. Marshall says he's used it a few times already.
I added it to svn:
There's no binary in svn yet and it's a little rudimentary =P It
basically just searches a root folder (the eclipse installation) for any
zip file that ends in "". Then it delegates to a bunch of
regular external archive source containers for those individual paths.
Future enhancements if I get annoyed enough may be to allow you to add
any ant-type pattern matching. Suggestions are welcome.
Again, I found it to be very very handy and Marshall says he's used it
as well.
- Rob Stryker
[View Less]
16 years, 11 months
Search Filter for JBoss Tools Palette
by Maxim Areshkau
Now for JBoss Tools palette was added a big number of various elements,
like RichFaces, Seam, Jsf and others.
By my opinion it's not very comfortable for user search elements on this
palette, to make panel more comfortable
we can add search filter, like in Eclipse Select View Menu or Eclipse
New Element Wizard.
16 years, 11 months