(no subject)
by Andersen Max
Since yesterday I cannot checkout anymore, getting errors like this:
A hibernatetools/docs/task-reference/en-US/sect-Hibernate_Tools_Reference_Guide-Concepts-Hibernate_configuration-Hibernate_properties_file-Use.xml
svn: In directory 'hibernatetools/docs/task-reference/en-US'
svn: Can't open file 'hibernatetools/docs/task-reference/en-US/.svn/tmp/text-base/sect-Hibernate_Tools_Reference_Guide-Concepts-Ant_tasks-Hibernate_configurations.xml.svn-base': No such file or directory
not sure …
[View More]what is causing it yet, but why on earth do we have so insanely long filenames in the first place ?
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14 years, 8 months
trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.test contains invalid bundle id and name
by Snjezana Peco
The org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.test project contains a bundle with the
following manifest:
Bundle-Name: WebService SWTBot Tests
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.jboss.tools.ws.ui.bot.test
These name and id are invalid because there is the
trunk/ws/tests/org.jboss.tools.ws.ui.bot.test project with the same id
and name.
The trunk/jst/tests/org.jboss.tools.ui.bot.ext.test project needs to be
fixed or removed.
WebService SWTBot tests can't be run if the workspace contains both of
the projects.
14 years, 8 months
new component, new committer and updated jira notifications
by Andersen Max
FYI, I created a deltacloud component which jjohnstn has started working on - for now its just prototyping so not to be in the overall build.
We'll see how it goes before we add it in permanently.
I also changed the jira notification for the overall mailing list to only include "new content" instead of *every* change.
i.e. now the maling list will get notified on issue creation, update, comment, comment edited, resolved & closed.
list will no longer get "work logged", "assign changed" …
[View More], "moved issue" etc.
Those events will still be sent to those who actively are on the issue as either assignee, reporter or watcher.
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14 years, 8 months
by Mumuney Abdlquadri
Hi all,
We in out team are considering using seam, hibernate etc. But
jbosstools is in eclipse. Presently we use netbeans and do not want to
move to eclipse. We are condering adapting JBosstools for netbeans.
If anyone knows what needs to be done to achieve this, please assist
with the info.
14 years, 8 months
New and noteworthy M1
by Andersen Max
M1 is being build/baked and its due time we get M1 news and noteworthy docs finished.
I've talked with most today about this but in case I missed you then please if you've done any jiras
for M1 that are news and noteworthy then mark them as such with a label AND
add description/screenshot to the appropriate part in /trunk/documentation/whatsnew
Please do so ASAP since we hope to get M1 as soon as its ready and gotten a quick smoketest.
14 years, 8 months