Re: [jbosstools-dev] Getting ready for M1 :: Revised inter-component dependencies ("swimlanes")
by Alexey Kazakov
KB validation framework can/should be moved to common. See
P.S. moved this thread to jbosstools-dev(a) ;)
On 04/28/2011 09:56 AM, Viacheslav Kabanovich wrote:
> There is now one required dependency of
> on
> Validator for esb config xml is based on the validator framework
> defined in web kb. If that framework can be moved to common module,
> other …
[View More]dependencies are easy to remove.
> On 04/28/2011 09:19 AM, Alexey Kazakov wrote:
>> On 04/28/2011 08:01 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
>>>>> - esb now depends on jst (not just on common)
>>>> What ?! why ?
>>> Dunno, I just read the tea leaves (build log failures) and interpret
>>> them. The leaves are subject to correct/non-correct interpretation &
>>> reaction. :)
>> esb.core requires jst.web plug-in at least since 2008 (don't see
>> earlier versions in svn). So I wouldn't say that it's something new.
>> But the question is why it's so.
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13 years, 11 months
3.3.0.M1 being attempted these days
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Nick is fighting vigorously to get a working build but seems many tests are simply taking way too long.
Nick will do a few spins to see if continues and if it does we'll disable the tests for those "bad" builds to make
a 3.3.0.M1 candidate that we can test and hopefully push as our first Indigo developer release.
Please help out by trying extra hard no to break the code and help Nick if he calls out some build failure
in your components.
Thank you,
13 years, 11 months
Docbook editor where did you go ?
by Max Rydahl Andersen
What happend to our docbook editor ?
There is a Docbook content type but it is not showing up in the editor rendered as it used too nor is there a designated editor as I thought there would be.
It seems to be in trunk (looking at jsp/plugin.xml) but commented out in branch.
Anyone remembers?
13 years, 11 months
JBoss Tools 3.2.1/JBDS 4.1 Status Update
by Brian Fitzpatrick
Hi all...
We're now almost all the way through the first week of April and I'd like to touch base about where we are regarding JBoss Tools 3.2.1 and JBDS 4.1.
At last week's JBDS PM meeting, we discussed a few dates for JBDS 4.1 milestones... April for M1, May for CR1, and a June GA. These were pretty vague dates, so I'd like to lock this down to make these dates a bit more specific. Let's shoot for:
* April 29, 2011, JBDS 4.1 M1
* May 20, 2011, JBDS 4.1 CR1
* June 17, 2011, JBDS 4.1 GA
I'm …
[View More]hopeful that a three week window between M1 and CR1 will give QE the time they need to get things done. Unfortunately, the F2F meeting falls smack dab in the middle of that and we have JBoss World early in May. That may push these dates out a bit. However, hopefully we can take advantage of the growing suites of automated tests that Jiri and his team have been building over the year. We don't have a final date for SOA-P 5.2 yet, so we may have some additional wiggle room as well.
That said, we still have a lot of open JIRAs. As of this moment, we have 89 JBIDE [1] and 11 JBDS [2] JIRAs open. With 15 working days between now and the end of April, I somehow doubt we're going to close all of these.
I would encourage you to take a hard look at the JIRAs for your components set for 3.2.1 and figure out if they're critical for this short release cycle. If not, bounce them to 3.2.x or one of the 3.3 milestones. If they're still important, try and get them fixed. :)
If we tighten the list of bugs and knock 'em off, we should be in better shape.
Thanks in advance! Back to the bugs!
[1] Open JBoss Tools (JBIDE) JIRAs set for 3.2.1:
[2] Open JBDS (JBDS) JIRAs set for 4.1:
Brian Fitzpatrick (aka "Fitz")
Senior Software Engineer, SOA-P
JBoss by Red Hat
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13 years, 11 months