Running tests locally and skipping the user statistics dialog
by Brian Fitzpatrick
Hi all...
It's been a while since I've tried to run any of the tests locally. I'm trying to run the ESB tooling JUnit tests to see why they started failing recently.
Is there a wiki page somewhere that documents what I need to do to get things running? And how to skip the usage statistics dialog when the new workspace is created?
Thanks in advance. Sorry for the n00b question. :)
Brian Fitzpatrick (aka "Fitz")
Senior Software Engineer, SOA-P
JBoss by Red Hat
13 years, 5 months
Including jBPM5 in JBossTools
by Kris Verlaenen
Just a heads-up that I'll be including the jBPM5 plugin in JBossTools.
While this plugin used to live in the JBossTools SVN, the following
steps will be taken:
* moving it to the droolsjbpm-tools git repository
* including the jBPM Eclipse plugins in the existing build so they also
end up in the droolsjbpm Eclipse update site artefact
Since the existing Drools integration for JBossTools takes the generated
update site to incorporate it in …
[View More]JBossTools, this means the plugins will
also be included in JBossTools.
These changes will be committed to the master branch (5.4-SNAPSHOT), so
these changes will only take effect once the JBossTools integration tag
is updated to that. That should give us time to detect and solve
potential issues first.
Drools will also do a 5.3.0.Final release soon, so we'll be updating the
tag that is included in JBossTools to that version once the release is
done (but I'll ping the relevant people soon when we're ready to do that).
Feedback welcome.
[View Less]
13 years, 6 months
WTP Facet wizards and adding ESB 4.10
by Brian Fitzpatrick
Hi all...
I'm in the process of finishing up some work to add ESB 4.10 to the list of supported runtimes for the ESB Project wizard and have run into some fun issues with the faceted wizard framework of WTP. I'm guessing it's user error on my part, but I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong.
In, I did the following in the plugin.xml:
* Added a new project-facet entry to the org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.facets extension …
[View More]point
* Added 4.10 to the lists of supported facet versions for jst.jboss.esb in the org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.runtimes extension point
* Added 4.10 to the list of supported module type versions for jst.jboss.esb in the org.eclipse.wst.server.core.moduleFactories extension point
* And added a new ESB runtime resolver for 4.10
That's all I had to do for 4.9 and life was good. I suspect that 4.10 has issues because it's being interpreted as "4.1" and not "4.10" as a valid double value.
So I have two problems:
1) The "JBoss ESB version" box on the first page of the New ESB Project Wizard obviously isn't sorting correctly (i.e. 4.10 comes before 4.2, not after 4.9).
2) When I select 4.10 as the "JBoss ESB version", even on a SOA-P 5.2 ER4 server that has the correct ESB version, the Configuration drop-down goes to "<custom>" instead of "Default Configuration for JBoss SOA-P ER4 Runtime" which should probably be defaulting to ESB 4.10 (where does the default configuration come from?).
What am I missing here? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. As I said, I'm guessing it's user error but don't know what to look at next. I've poked through the code for a few hours and am not any closer to figuring it out.
Thanks in advance
Brian Fitzpatrick (aka "Fitz")
Senior Software Engineer, SOA-P
JBoss by Red Hat
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13 years, 6 months
JBoss Maven Integration Facet?
by Rob Cernich
Hey all,
I'm prototyping some basic tooling for SwitchYard and have pieced together a crude faceted project preset to allow SwitchYard projects to be deployed to AS using the existing WTP support. The facets I'm using are:
* Java
* Utility Module
* JBoss Maven Integration
My questions: Is the JBoss Maven facet required? What purpose does it serve? (Currently, SwtichYard projects are Maven projects, utilizing m2eclipse.)
Thanks in advance,
13 years, 6 months
reminder: M3 branch is code frozen
by Max Rydahl Andersen
There have been made non-reviewed commits to the M3 branch during the last week so just a reminder:
M3 branch is *frozen* - no commits goes in there.
No changes goes in there without review from Denis, Brian or me.
Trunk is open for normal business.
13 years, 6 months