Build failed in Jenkins: jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate #5785
See <>
[nickboldt] SAVARA-360 remove incubating feature
[...truncated 1384 lines...]
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'components/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'all/,\'
++ for z in '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Update*.zip")' '$(find ${STAGINGDIR} -name "*Sources*.zip")'
++ echo 'all/,\'
++ echo ''
++ pushd <>
++ md5sumsFile=<>
++ echo '# Update Site Zips'
++ echo '# ----------------'
+++ find . -name '*Update*.zip'
+++ egrep -v 'aggregate-Sources|nightly-Update'
++ md5sum ./all/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/ ./components/
++ echo ' '
++ echo '# Source Zips'
++ echo '# -----------'
+++ find . -iname '*source*.zip'
+++ egrep -v 'aggregate-Sources|nightly-Update'
++ md5sum ./all/
++ echo ' '
++ popd
++ mkdir -p <>
++ [[ jbosstools-4.0_trunk != jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate ]]
++ mkdir -p <>
++ pushd <>
++ resultsPageRoot=
++ wget -q --no-check-certificate -N
+++ cat index.html
+++ egrep -v 'http://|\.\.|\.gitignore'
+++ grep href
+++ sed -e 's#.\+href="\(.\+\)".\+#\1#g'
+++ egrep -v '.+/$|README'
++ files=''
++ [[ -n ]]
++ wget -q --no-check-certificate -N
++ rm -f index.html
+++ find /qa/tools/opt -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -name 'jdk1.6.0_*'
+++ sort
+++ tail -1
++ export JAVA_HOME=/qa/tools/opt/jdk1.6.0_30
++ JAVA_HOME=/qa/tools/opt/jdk1.6.0_30
+++ find /qa/tools/opt -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -name 'apache-maven-3.0.*'
+++ sort
+++ tail -1
++ export M2_HOME=/qa/tools/opt/apache-maven-3.0.4
++ M2_HOME=/qa/tools/opt/apache-maven-3.0.4
++ /qa/tools/opt/apache-maven-3.0.4/bin/mvn -q -B install -DJOB_NAME=jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate -DBUILD_NUMBER=5785 -DBUILD_ID=2012-10-24_11-46-13 -DBUILD_ALIAS=Beta2
++ mv target/index.html <>
++ rm -fr target
++ popd
++ [[ -d <> ]]
++ mkdir -p <>
++ fl=<>
++ sed -ne '/\[WARNING\]\|CHECKSUM FAILED/ ! p' <>
++ sed -ne '/<<< FAI/,+9 p'
++ sed -e '/AILURE/,+9 s/\(.\+AILURE.\+\)/\n----------\n\n\1/g'
++ sed -ne '/\[WARNING\]\|CHECKSUM FAILED/ ! p' <>
++ sed -ne '/ FAI/ p'
++ sed -e '/AILURE \[/ s/\(.\+AILURE \[.\+\)/\n----------\n\n\1/g'
++ sed -ne '/\[WARNING\]\|CHECKSUM FAILED/ ! p' <>
++ sed -ne '/ SKI/ p'
++ sed -e '/KIPPED \[/ s/\(.\+KIPPED \[.\+\)/\n----------\n\n\1/g'
+++ sed -ne '/FAI\|LURE/ p' <>
+++ wc -l
++ fc=0
++ [[ 0 != \0 ]]
+++ sed -ne '/KIPPED/ p' <>
+++ wc -l
++ fc=0
++ [[ 0 != \0 ]]
++ el=<>
++ sed -ne '/\[WARNING\]\|CHECKSUM FAILED/ ! p' <>
++ sed -ne '/<<< ERR/,+9 p'
++ sed -e '/RROR/,+9 s/\(.\+RROR.\+\)/\n----------\n\n\1/g'
++ sed -ne '/\[WARNING\]\|CHECKSUM FAILED/ ! p' <>
++ sed -ne '/\[ERR/,+2 p'
++ sed -e '/ROR\] Fai/,+2 s/\(.\+ROR\] Fai.\+\)/\n----------\n\n\1/g'
+++ sed -ne '/ERR\|RROR/ p' <>
+++ wc -l
++ ec=0
++ [[ 0 != \0 ]]
++ [[ 0 == \0 ]]
++ [[ 0 == \0 ]]
++ [[ -d <> ]]
++ [[ jbosstools-4.0_trunk != jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate ]]
++ echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=2012-10-24_11-46-13-B5785/">'
++ [[ -n core/trunk ]]
++ date
Wed Oct 24 11:52:56 EDT 2012
++ [[ '' == '' ]]
++ seg=.
++ for d in '${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX/\// }'
++ seg=./core
++ echo -e 'mkdir core'
++ sftp
Connecting to
Changing to: /downloads_htdocs/tools/builds/nightly/
sftp> mkdir core
Couldn't create directory: Failure
++ for d in '${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX/\// }'
++ seg=./core/trunk
++ echo -e 'mkdir core/trunk'
++ sftp
Connecting to
Changing to: /downloads_htdocs/tools/builds/nightly/
sftp> mkdir core/trunk
Couldn't create directory: Failure
++ seg=
++ date
Wed Oct 24 11:52:59 EDT 2012
++ rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete <> <> <> <>
++ pushd /tmp/tmp.PAjFu15896
++ ln -s 2012-10-24_11-46-13-B5785 latest
++ rsync --protocol=28 -l latest
++ rm -f latest
++ popd
++ date
Wed Oct 24 12:12:44 EDT 2012
++ rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete /tmp/tmp.PAjFu15896/latestBuild.html
++ rm -f /tmp/tmp.PAjFu15896/latestBuild.html
++ date
Wed Oct 24 12:12:46 EDT 2012
++ rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete <> <> <> <>
++ [[ '' == '' ]]
++ echo -e 'mkdir jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate'
++ sftp
Connecting to
Changing to: /downloads_htdocs/tools/builds/staging/
sftp> mkdir jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate
Couldn't create directory: Failure
++ echo -e 'mkdir jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate'
++ sftp
Connecting to
Changing to: /downloads_htdocs/tools/builds/staging.previous/
sftp> mkdir jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate
Couldn't create directory: Failure
++ mkdir -p /tmp/tmp.PAjFu15896/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate
++ rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete /tmp/tmp.PAjFu15896/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate
++ echo -e 'rmdir jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate'
++ sftp
Connecting to
Changing to: /downloads_htdocs/tools/builds/staging.previous/
sftp> rmdir jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate
++ rmdir /tmp/tmp.PAjFu15896/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate
++ echo -e 'rename jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate ../staging.previous/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate'
++ sftp
Connecting to
Changing to: /downloads_htdocs/tools/builds/staging/
sftp> rename jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate ../staging.previous/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate
++ echo -e 'rename jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate'
++ sftp
Connecting to
Changing to: /downloads_htdocs/tools/builds/staging/
sftp> rename jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate
+++ date +%s000
++ now=1351096502000
++ mkdir -p <>
++ echo '<?xml version='\''1.0'\'' encoding='\''UTF-8'\''?>
<?compositeMetadataRepository version='\''1.0.0'\''?>
<repository name='\''JBoss Tools Staging - jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate Composite'\'' type='\''org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.CompositeMetadataRepository'\'' version='\''1.0.0'\''>
++ echo '<?xml version='\''1.0'\'' encoding='\''UTF-8'\''?>
<?compositeArtifactRepository version='\''1.0.0'\''?>
<repository name='\''JBoss Tools Staging - jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate Composite'\'' type='\''org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.CompositeArtifactRepository'\'' version='\''1.0.0'\''> '
++ metadata='<properties size='\''2'\''><property name='\''p2.compressed'\'' value='\''true'\''/><property name='\''p2.timestamp'\'' value='\''1351096502000'\''/></properties>
<children size='\''2'\''>
<child location='\''../../../staging/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate/all/repo/'\''/>
<child location='\''../../../staging.previous/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate/all/repo/'\''/>
++ echo '<properties' 'size='\''2'\''><property' 'name='\''p2.compressed'\''' 'value='\''true'\''/><property' 'name='\''p2.timestamp'\''' 'value='\''1351096502000'\''/></properties>' '<children' 'size='\''2'\''>' '<child' 'location='\''../../../staging/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate/all/repo/'\''/>' '<child' 'location='\''../../../staging.previous/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate/all/repo/'\''/>' '</children>' '</repository>'
++ echo '<properties' 'size='\''2'\''><property' 'name='\''p2.compressed'\''' 'value='\''true'\''/><property' 'name='\''p2.timestamp'\''' 'value='\''1351096502000'\''/></properties>' '<children' 'size='\''2'\''>' '<child' 'location='\''../../../staging/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate/all/repo/'\''/>' '<child' 'location='\''../../../staging.previous/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate/all/repo/'\''/>' '</children>' '</repository>'
++ date
Wed Oct 24 12:35:02 EDT 2012
++ rsync -arzq --protocol=28 <> <>
++ date
Wed Oct 24 12:35:04 EDT 2012
++ rsync -arzq --delete <> <> <> <> /home/hudson/static_build_env/jbds//builds/staging/
++ mkdir -p /home/hudson/static_build_env/jbds//builds/staging/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate/
++ rm -fr /home/hudson/static_build_env/jbds//builds/staging.previous/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate/
++ mv /home/hudson/static_build_env/jbds//builds/staging/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate /home/hudson/static_build_env/jbds//builds/staging.previous/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate
++ mv /home/hudson/static_build_env/jbds//builds/staging/ /home/hudson/static_build_env/jbds//builds/staging/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate
++ [[ jbosstools-4.0_trunk != jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate ]]
++ [[ -n core/trunk ]]
++ [[ '' == '' ]]
++ seg=.
++ for d in '${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX/\// }'
++ seg=./core
++ echo -e 'mkdir core'
++ sftp
Connecting to
Changing to: /downloads_htdocs/tools/updates/nightly/
sftp> mkdir core
Couldn't create directory: Failure
++ for d in '${PUBLISHPATHSUFFIX/\// }'
++ seg=./core/trunk
++ echo -e 'mkdir core/trunk'
++ sftp
Connecting to
Changing to: /downloads_htdocs/tools/updates/nightly/
sftp> mkdir core/trunk
Couldn't create directory: Failure
++ seg=
++ date
Wed Oct 24 12:36:32 EDT 2012
++ rsync -arzq --protocol=28 --delete <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
++ echo '>> <<'
>> <<
++ date
Wed Oct 24 12:36:43 EDT 2012
++ [[ -d <> ]]
++ bl=<>
++ rm -f <>
++ wget -q -O <> --timeout=900 --wait=10 --random-wait --tries=10 --retry-connrefused --no-check-certificate
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Description set:
12 years, 3 months
[gitmigration] *dont* use the big green merge button on github.
by Max Rydahl Andersen
I just spotted this:
As discussed in all git contributor guides for jboss projects i know off and at the gitmigration call we had you should *not* use the automatic merge on github pullrequests - it creates a messy history.
History *Before* green button used (i.e. when things are merged wit --rebase):
* 63eaa75 - adding (2 days ago, Max Rydahl Andersen)
* 4f05ccc - fix (2 days ago, Max Rydahl Andersen)
* 4ef784e - add (2 days ago, Max Rydahl Andersen)
* 8155e19 - new test implemented (8 days ago, Jaroslav Jankovič)
* cb516fa - added eclipse.jdt.feature dependency to be able to set default jdk on mac (8 days ago, Jaroslav Jankovič)
* 44099a8 - new test projects added (8 days ago, Jaroslav Jankovič)
* fcffa10 - Added 3 cases to automated Jenkins suite compatible with JBT 4.0.0.Beta1 (8 days ago, Stefan Bunciak)
nice and clean singular stream of edits.
After this merge where the green button is used:
* 1ec5c17 - (HEAD, origin/master, master) Merge pull request #2 from apodhrad/JBQA-7108 (9 minutes ago, Pavol Srna)
| * f60e9a2 - JBQA-7108: Ensure that all soa bot tests are on github (24 minutes ago, Andrej Podhradsky)
* | f357d90 - Merge pull request #3 from ldimaggi/master (64 minutes ago, Pavol Srna)
|\ \
| |/
| * e50dd1f - Added new draft Mylyn tests (74 minutes ago, Len DiMaggio)
* 570222f - Merge pull request #1 from mmalina/initial_poms (4 hours ago, Pavol Srna)
| * c3b9026 - Added root pom, tests pom and modified all tests poms to have proper dependencies (5 hours ago, Martin Malina)
* 63eaa75 - adding (2 days ago, Max Rydahl Andersen)
* 4f05ccc - fix (2 days ago, Max Rydahl Andersen)
* 4ef784e - add (2 days ago, Max Rydahl Andersen)
Do you see the difference ? multiple branches/streams in the history - hard to follow and hard to cherrypick/merge from when doing work in mutiple branches later on.
Because of my accident I have not been able to finish my contributor guide but until then please read
and replace "infinispan" with "jbosstools".
12 years, 3 months
[gitmigration] users without a unique avatar
by Max Rydahl Andersen
It makes it much easier to identify contributors/commenters on github if you got a unique avatar and a few of us don't.
With a bit of github api magic I found that the following was missing a gravatar icon:
would be great if you took the 5 minutes time it takes to setup a gravatar id for your github user.
You do that by going to and setup a gravatar account linked to the same email as you have on github.
12 years, 3 months
Build failed in Jenkins: jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate #5775
See <>
Started by user nboldt(a)REDHAT.COM
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on dev117-rhel5-x86_64
At revision 10588
no change for since the previous build
Checkout:jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate / <> - hudson.remoting.Channel@e44570:dev117-rhel5-x86_64
Using strategy: Default
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository origin
ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin' : Could not clone
hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Could not clone
at hudson.plugins.git.GitAPI.clone(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath$
at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.Request$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command "git clone -o origin <"> returned status code 128:
stdout: Initialized empty Git repository in /qa/hudson_workspace/workspace/jbosstools-4.0_trunk.aggregate/sources/.git/
stderr: error: git was compiled without libcurl support.
git: 'remote-curl' is not a git-command. See 'git --help'.
at hudson.plugins.git.GitAPI.launchCommandIn(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitAPI.access$000(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitAPI$1.invoke(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitAPI$1.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitAPI.clone(
... 12 more
Trying next repository
ERROR: Could not clone repository
FATAL: Could not clone
hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Could not clone
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath$
at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
at hudson.remoting.Request$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
12 years, 3 months
Re: [jbosstools-dev] Call for help to fix a bug in Ceylon IDE
by Denis Golovin
Do you have a link to the issue? We could suggest possible solutions if we know details.
Sent from my Google Nexus Phone
Stéphane Épardaud <separdau(a)> wrote:
>We're planning a release this week and we've hit a bug in our Eclipse
>Ceylon plugin which I'm not able to fix, and our IDE experts are not
>available :(
>The bug involves the fact that we update the JavaProject's ClassPath but
>it doesn't get propagated to some parts which rely on the JavaProject's
>"package fragment roots" for some reason. This is totally beyond me, but
>perhaps one of you guys have a clue what these things are about, and if
>you feel like helping us out I could guide you to how to get set up and
>reproduce the issue, I figure it's probably easy to fix for people who
>know this sort of thing.
>Let me know if anyone has experience in those sorts of things and if
>you're willing to lend a hand, it'd be greatly appreciated.
>jbosstools-dev mailing list
12 years, 3 months
Question about JBoss Tools Validation trigger
by Xavier Coulon
I'm facing an issue here ( which basically says that the imported project is not correctly validated. It has JAX-RS errors but nothing is reported after the import operation.
In my console logs, I have the following traces:
14:43:13.714 [Worker-9] Building JAX-RS Metamodel after Java element changed...
14:43:13.715 [Worker-9] Some java elements changed:[PostChange]
14:43:13.715 [Worker-9] **rejected** JavaElementDelta [PostChange] JavaModel '' [*without* AST] changed:{Children}]
14:43:13.715 [Worker-9] **rejected** JavaElementDelta [PostChange] JavaProject 'jboss-richfaces-webapp' [*without* AST] changed:{Content}]
14:43:13.715 [Worker-9] Processing 0 change(s)...
14:43:13.715 [Worker-9] Done processing Java changes.
14:43:14.721 [Worker-1] *** Validating all JAX-RS elements in project jboss-richfaces-webapp ***
14:43:14.731 [Worker-1] Validation done.
!MESSAGE Building JAX-RS metamodel for project jboss-richfaces-webapp
14:43:24.703 [Worker-11] Initiating a JAX-RS Metamodel build on project 'jboss-richfaces-webapp' after resource changed event[source=P/jboss-richfaces-webapp]
14:43:24.704 [Worker-0] Building JAX-RS Metamodel after resource changed...
14:43:24.713 [Worker-0] JAX-RS Metamodel created for project jboss-richfaces-webapp
14:43:24.717 [Worker-0] Processing project 'jboss-richfaces-webapp'...
14:43:24.718 [Worker-0] Processing ResourceChangedEvent [Project '/jboss-richfaces-webapp' added]
14:43:27.686 [Worker-0] Indexing JavaApplication 'JaxRsActivator': path=/rest
14:43:27.797 [Worker-0] Indexing Resource 'MemberResourceRESTService' (root=true)
14:43:27.800 [Worker-0] Indexing ResourceMethod 'MemberResourceRESTService.lookupMemberById' (SUBRESOURCE_METHOD)
14:43:27.801 [Worker-0] Indexing ResourceMethod 'MemberResourceRESTService.createMember' (RESOURCE_METHOD)
14:43:27.801 [Worker-0] Indexing ResourceMethod 'MemberResourceRESTService.listAllMembers' (RESOURCE_METHOD)
14:43:27.802 [Worker-0] Resulting event: JaxrsElementChange: [Application Added] JaxRsActivator
14:43:27.803 [Worker-0] Resulting event: JaxrsElementChange: [Resource Added] MemberResourceRESTService
14:43:27.806 [Worker-0] Processing ResourceChangedEvent [File '/jboss-richfaces-webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml' added]
14:43:27.902 [Worker-0] No servlet mapping found for class '' in file 'src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml'
14:43:27.911 [Worker-0] No servlet mapping found for class '' in file 'src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml'
14:43:27.911 [Worker-0] Done processing resource results.
14:43:27.911 [Worker-0] Processing 2 JAX-RS element change(s)...
14:43:27.911 [Worker-0] Processing JaxrsElementChange: [Application Added] JaxRsActivator
14:43:27.911 [Worker-0] Processing JaxrsElementChange: [Resource Added] MemberResourceRESTService
14:43:27.915 [Worker-0] --> JaxrsEndpointChange: [Added] GET /rest/members/{id:[0-9][0-9]*} | consumes:[*/*] | produces=[application/json] in method MemberResourceRESTService.lookupMemberById(...)
14:43:27.915 [Worker-0] --> JaxrsEndpointChange: [Added] POST /rest/members | consumes:[application/json] | produces=[application/json] in method MemberResourceRESTService.createMember(...)
14:43:27.915 [Worker-0] --> JaxrsEndpointChange: [Added] GET /rest/members | consumes:[*/*] | produces=[application/json] in method MemberResourceRESTService.listAllMembers(...)
14:43:27.915 [Worker-0] Done processing JAX-RS element change(s).
14:43:27.916 [Worker-0] *** Notifying the UI that JAX-RS metamodel was Added (including 3 endpoint changes) ***
14:43:27.917 [Worker-0] JAX-RS Metamodel for project 'jboss-richfaces-webapp' now has 6 HttpMethods, 1 Resources and 3 Endpoints.
14:43:28.136 [Worker-0] Validation done.
14:44:59.105 [Worker-1] *** Validating some JAX-RS elements bound to files [L/jboss-richfaces-webapp/target/test-classes/arquillian.xml, L/jboss-richfaces-webapp/target/test-classes/META-INF/test-persistence.xml, L/jboss-richfaces-webapp/target/test-classes/test-ds.xml] that just changed in project jboss-richfaces-webapp... ***
14:45:11.719 [Worker-1] Validation done.
The problem I've spotted is that the JAX-RS validator is called twice: the first time to validate *all* the JAX-RS elements, but this call occurs *before* the JAX-RS metamodel was built, because none of the events that were caught by the listener in the plugin were 'eligible' to build the JAX-RS metamodel.
[moving a bit forward during the import operation -> some logs were removed]
Then, once the listener caught a "ResourceChangedEvent" about the ADDED project, the JAX-RS metamodel is built, but the validator is called for only a couple of .xml files that changed, not the whole project that was imported.
How could I trigger a 'validateAll' in this case ?
Best regards,
12 years, 3 months