We need your help to make you happy with the build
by Mickael Istria
Hi all,
As part of Tycho comes the ability to run build locally without
difficulty. It is now possible to do that for those who had a look at
the parent/pom.xml content and/or read Nick's documentation on this topic.
But we are concerned in making you testing more and more locally (and to
reduce the number of questions such "how do I build" on this
mailing-list). To do so, looks like we have to provide you the necessary
default profiles so that you could run a "mvn install" that would work
for you 95% of times.
So please provide your feedback on
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-11404 . The main question is: In
your daily work, what would you Tycho to use to resolve your
dependencies? A local repository? Local builds? The Snapshot repository?
The release repository?...
Your comments are more than welcome, they are necessary if you want to
make your own work-life easier ;)
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets
12 years, 8 months
Nightly component builds with coverage enabled are broken now
by Denis Golovin
I was looking at build failures for jsf and vpe components and found out
that new jacoco coverage is the reason of tests errors like
Tests in error:
testAliasBean(org.jboss.tools.jsf.vpe.myfaces.test.MyFacesComponentTest): Invalid length 65532 in LocalVariableTable in class file
coverage reports printed out to log are empty.
So what happened is we lost old coverage and new one breaks the builds.
We need to fix test failures ether by disabling code coverage for now or
to make jacoco to work whichever is easier.
I disabled coverage for jsf component nightly build from trunk and it
helped to get all tests back, it failing now because there is no
coverage report at all, which is easy fixable by disabling coverage in
build configuration.
12 years, 8 months
Re: [jbosstools-dev] Introducing jacoco.exec files on Hudson: easy-to-use coverage results
by Max Rydahl Andersen
any reason why you keep kicking of the mailing list ? :)
>>> We disable jacoco because emma and jacoco may cause test failures when running together (conflictual instrumentations probably).
>>> Before, jacoco without emma was what happened by default (hudson was jacoco + emma). I just disabled jacoco; but I can wrap it into a profile if you want. But I am not sure it will make it more used/helpful if we have to trigger it and ensure we don't have jacoco and emma at the same time.
>> can't coverage just be -Pcoverage and then have a property that decides which is used ?
>> -Pcoverage runs jacoco by default
>> -Pcoverage -Demma switches it to emma and is what is used in hudson/jenkins until we got reporting up and running ?
> emma and jacoco are very distinct.
> What would you think of -Pcoverage-emma and -Pcoverage-jacoco?
I would then choose -Pcoverage and -Pcoverage-emma.
>> And at least Denis and I do look at coverage from time to time.
> Cool, and what do you look at exactly?
> the jacoco.exec file generated by hudson builds, or the emma reports in hudson jobs?
the reports to see where things are bad/good - haven't had time to try out jacoco loading (and its also tricky since need the exact same .class files to load it properly)
> I guess you would be fine with Emma reports, and delay real usage of Jacoco to the day it will have reports in hudson (or on sonar.jboss.org, but I bet it will appear after a good jacoco/jenkins report plugin).
> It seems to be impossible (at least for some projects - namely VPE and JSF) to get jacoco.exec and emma reports at the same time.
> We have to keep Emma currently, so if you are happy with it, it is not useful to maintain jacoco usage until we use it to fully replace Emma.
I would prefer we push jacoco as much as possible for QE and local usage over Emma.
12 years, 8 months
Video Killed the Radio Star
by Burr Sutter
I have been working on various demo videos to help promote JBoss Tools & JBDS.
Videos yet to be recorded:
- JBoss Tools - Eclipse Marketplace installation and overview
- GWT archetype & google tooling + basic Errai
- Maven with JBoss Tools/JBDS deeper dive
Also, I would love to have an "Eclipses Tips & Tricks" video - but I have not seen those well documented anywhere, if you have pointers to blogs or other videos for "tips & tricks" please send them my way.
Here are the videos I completed this past weekend:
1. JBDS 5 Installation, HTML5, Mobile & OpenShift
This video walks you through the installation of JBoss Developer Studio 5, uses the JBoss Central HTML5 archetype, introduces the Mobile BrowserSim to demonstrate an application that supports both desktop & mobile UIs and finally uploads it all to OpenShift for testing on real devices.
2. JBDS 5 Java EE 6 Web + Arquillian
This demonstration follows #1 that shows installation and Aerogear's POH5 or HTML5 archetype. This demo drills into the Java EE 6 Web Project and Arquillian for automated integration testing.
3. RichFaces 4 for Desktop & Mobile in JBDS 5
JBoss Central provides an archetype for RichFaces 4, also implementing the "kitchensink" example. RichFaces 4 leverages EE 6's BeanValidation by moving those declarative validation rules from the server down to the client.
4. Forge Introduction in JBoss Developer Studio 5
Forge is JBoss's rapid application development tool. A command line based tool that is embedded in JBoss Developer Studio 5. Run a whole script of commands to render a complete application.
5. Hibernate Tools for DB Reverse Engineering
Hibernate Tools have been part of JBoss Developer Studio for a long time - now they are integrated with Dali - and you can use Dali's JPA Generate Entities from Tables feature. This video walks you through how to setup the Hibernate Configuration and the JBDC connection to allow for JPA entity generation.
Sakila H2 Database:
6. Forge for DB Reverse Engineering with CRUD
Forge also has a Hibernate Tools plugin that allows it to analyze a database schema and produce JPA entity classes. Then Forge can use its scaffolding feature to generate JSF2 Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) user interfaces.
12 years, 9 months