LiveReload Tooling Status
by Xavier Coulon
Hi !
Here's a status on the LiveReload tooling:
- JBoss Tools 4.1.0.Alpha2 introduces a basic version of the LiveReload support. This version only covers LiveReload for browsers that have the LiveReload extension installed and that access static files in the workspace. There's little screencast to show what you can do with it.
- Upcoming features (still work in progress - expected in JBoss Tools 4.1.0.Beta1): using the same "LiveReload Server", if you have an app server (JBoss AS 7 for example, but other app servers such as Tomcat should be supported as well) already started in your workspace, the LiveReload server detects that it is running. Now, when a browser accesses a resource on this server and enables the LiveReload extension, each time some changes are published on the server, the LiveReload server can send notifications to both the Browser accessing the static file (using the file:/// scheme) and the generated resource (using the http:// scheme) are refreshed. No extra configuration needed.
I also uploaded a video that demos this stuff: (better viewed on a large screen)
The next task will consist in providing a proxy that will provide <script> injection at the bottom of the returned HTML pages, so that the browser does not even need to install and activate the LiveReload extension. This will also mean that browser that cannot install extension would also be supported: mobile, tablets, etc. Again, this should not require extra configuration at the "LiveReload Server" level, I think everything can be done automatically.
At the end of the day, a user could livereload some static (html/css/js) or dynamic (JSF, etc.) content on multiple devices at the same time, without having to hit the refresh button on all browsers after each save. I really think this could improve the productivity of developers. In fact, I already had a prototype of this and it's quite funny and adictive to see multiple devices refreshing all at the same time :-)
ps: bonus: I may even generate a QR Code so that users don't have to type the tedious URLs on the touch keyboards.
What do you think about this ?
Best regards,
11 years, 9 months
Red Builds, Yellow Builds & Test Failures (getting ready for Code Freeze TOMORROW)
by Nick Boldt
As code freeze is tomorrow, it's that time of the month where I have the
pleasure of sending reminder note that if your job is red or yellow,
*you need to fix your tests*.
Here are today's failures. You'll note that they've all been failing for
about a week.
== RED ==
Base: Failing tests since Mar 24
Forge: 2 test failures, 8 skipped tests since Mar 24
Hibernate: COMPILATION FAILURES since ??? (last good build on Feb 18)
JavaEE: 7 test failures since Mar 31; 11 test failures since Mar 21
== YELLOW ==
Central: 1-2 test failures since Apr 1
JST: 20+ test failures since Mar 28
Web Services: 917 test failures since Mar 24
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
11 years, 9 months
Alpha2 Build Status: ORANGE (RED + YELLOW)
by Nick Boldt
* Used wrong composite to resolve upstream deps
* Jobs that hardcode 4.30.5.Alpha3-SNAPSHOT failed after JBoss Nexus was
cleaned out. Jobs updated to use 4.30.5.Alpha3; respinning.
* Build & test failures for Base (Usage), Forge, Hibernate, JavaEE, JST,
I have not opened JIRAs for the issues below as I assume project leads
can do so if the above respins haven't fixed them by Monday.
Due to a typo I introduced in the parent pom, all the builds this
weekend so far have been using the wrong composite site to resolve their
upsteam deps - using the master [1] instead of the stable branch [2].
So... having corrected that, I'm respinning the stack. Hopefully it'll
finish in time to push the bits to QE tonight.
This weekend, the JBoss Nexus snapshot repo also purged the
4.30.5.Alpha3-SNAPSHOT version of the target platform, so jobs which
still had that version hardcoded into them failed. I've updated the jobs
to use 4.30.5.Alpha3 in the stable branch and 4.30.5.Alpha4-SNAPSHOT in
the master branch. (Mickael, Max: this step MUST be part of the target
platform release document to avoid unnecessarily broken builds.)
Meanwhile, there are a number of test failures to report. Assuming we
want to get these fixed in time for Alpha2's release, these will
necessitate a respin next weekend.
== Base ==
Red, test failure due to timeout:
[INFO] ........................ FAILURE
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.17.0:test (default-test) on
project Error while executing platform:
org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineTimeOutException: Error while
executing external command, process killed. Process timeout out after
2400 seconds -> [Help 1]
== Forge ==
Yellow, 2 test failures, 8 skipped tests
== Hibernate ==
Red or Yellow, 2+ test failures:
>>> org.hibernate.eclipse.jdt.ui.test.HQLQueryValidatorTest.testHQLDetector
[INFO] ........... FAILURE
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.17.0:test (default-test) on
project Error while executing
platform: org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineTimeOutException:
Error while executing external command, process killed. Process timeout
out after 2400 seconds -> [Help 1]
== JavaEE ==
Yellow, 7 failures:
Next build failed because Nexus cleaned up obsolete snapshots and the
job was still referring to 4.30.5.Alpha3-SNAPSHOT instead of 4.30.5.Alpha3.
Jobs (including this one and all _41 or _master jobs) have been
reconfigured to point to the released TP version. Respinning.
== JST ==
Yellow, 21 failures:
>>> content
== Server ==
Yellow, 1 test failure:
>>> org.jboss.ide.eclipse.archives.test.core.ant.SimpleAntTest.testOne
However subsequent jobs all failed due to timeout, so I increased the
overall time allowed for the build to 4hrs. Respinning.
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
11 years, 9 months
SWT XulRunner 17 + Webkit - Fwd: [eclipse-dev] Eclipse project Kepler plan updated
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Hi guys,
I just saw this on eclipse-dev where SWT Browser is being suggested to be updated.
" (new) SWT browser currency. Significant work is required in the SWT browser widget to support the latest browser runtimes. As part of this effort we will add browser support for XULRunner 17. We will also investigate supporting WebKit on Windows based on the Chromium CEF3 project. [SWT] (405029, 405031)"
What does that mean for us ?
If they do this without contiuing to support older Xulrunners we could have problems, right?
webkit/chromium sounds like a good thing for us.
----- Forwarded message from John Arthorne <John_Arthorne(a)> -----
>From: John Arthorne <John_Arthorne(a)>
>To: eclipse-dev(a)
>Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 16:28:26 -0400
>Subject: [eclipse-dev] Eclipse project Kepler plan updated
>An updated draft of the Eclipse project plan for the Kepler (June 2013)
>release is now available:
>Notable changes:
> - Most plan items marked as committed
> - Plan item to add support for Microsoft UIA accessibility API has been
>deferred. Some progress was made but it won't be completed for Kepler.
> - Two new plan items for SWT browser work, and introduction of Eclipse
>Platform 4 API.
>eclipse-dev mailing list
>To change your delivery options, retrieve your password, or unsubscribe from this list, visit
----- End forwarded message -----
11 years, 9 months
Reminder on deprecation of
by Rob Stryker
Just a reminder:
I've been continuing work on migrating any test plugins which depend on to use methods and classes in instead.
I've grepped my local codebase, but I haven't seen any plugins with a
dependency on this test plugin. So if you're an owner of a module which
you know requires any code from, please
respond and let me know so we can investigate the impact of eventually
removing this project from the build.
So far I've only seen esb matching any strings im searching for, and it
seems they already depend on the new one:
So anyone else who has a dependency, please let me know.
- Rob Stryker.
11 years, 9 months
New jbosstools-discovery project & simplified workflow for testing Central
by Nick Boldt
The Central Discovery plugins have been moved out of the
jbosstools-central and SVN, and are now located here:
Old jobs called devstudio.discovery_trunk and devstudio.discovery_70
have been renamed to reflect the new github source and versioning:
In JBT 4.0 and earlier, Discovery plugins were generated as part of the
Central build, aggregated into the JBT aggregation build, and built as
part of the JBDS aggregate build.
Now, both JBT and JBDS Discovery plugins are produced via a single job
(one per master or stable branch stream), which runs automatically every
time a new JBDS product build is complete, or can be run by hand should
a change to the discovery plugin be needed out of band.
Once that job is done, the install-grinder tests we have to verify
everything in Central can be installed are run:
For the purposes of automated testing, the new Discovery plugin jobs
will produce composite sites here:
These composite sites allow a user to install from the freshly built CI
plugin and its associated directory.xml file:
The composite sites are simply a convenient way to feed the Discovery
plugin w/ a single URL which includes the correct JBT target platform,
JBT aggregate update site, and 3rd party extras mirror.
Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
11 years, 9 months