EclipseCon France call for paper: 3 weeks left
by Mickael Istria
Hi all,
Beware that Call For Paper for EclipseCon France -in Toulouse,
(17)-18-19 June- ends in 3 weeks.
So anyone interested should start getting approval, budget and talks ready.
There is much space for the topics covered by JBoss Tools,
Cordova/Aerogear, RedHat Developer Kit, OpenShift, Vert.x and so on.
I think it's also a place where it might be possible to demonstrate how
to use Java 8 in a JEE application with Eclipse, or having fun with a
[View More]Raspberry Pi as a target server for JEE development for example...
There is no risk in submitting something out of the original scope, so
feel free to submit anything you think can make sense for the audience!
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
My blog <> - My Tweets
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10 years, 11 months
by Wal-Mart
You will be assigned to visit a shop.
You need to "pretend" to be a normal potential customer who is looking for a particular service or product.
You will then finish an on-line questionnaire to share with us your customer experience.
17 Years old or above.
Can speak local language well.
Can read and write English.
No experience needed Like Shopping.
You will get $200 for each assignment.
Most of the time you will only need to spend 20 minutes on the …
[View More]visit.
Give me your information for register ;
1. Name :
2. Physical A_ddress :
3. Citys :
States :
Countrys :
4. Zip Codes :
Home Phone :
5. Mobile Phone :
6. Gender :
7. O.c.c.u.p.a.t.i.o.n :
8. Ages :
=> Your response would be greatly appreciated.
The MS Evaluators
Customer Service Shoppers
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10 years, 12 months
AS / 4.1.2.Final : Why such a narraw dependency range on org.eclipse.core.runtime?
by Mickael Istria
In 4.1.2.Final, bundle has a dependency on
org.eclipse.core.runtime [3.7,3.10). Is such a narrow dependency range
intentional? Is there anything in 3.10 and later that prevent this
bundle from working well?
If not, then it's a pity, because it makes that just by setting up a
maxVersion, JBoss Tools 4.1.2 cannot be installed in Luna M6, without
providing additional value. In general, unless some actual issues are
noticed, maxVersions are to be avoided or set …
[View More]to the next major (eg
[3.7,4.0) ) for best compatibility.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
My blog <> - My Tweets
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11 years
New server profiles vs. Runtime Detection
by Martin Malina
Hi Rob,
I have a question. Now that we have more profiles for servers (JBIDE-16721) - one that prefers management operations and one that does not - what happens when you add a server using Runtime Detection? I think it will currently use the non-management option. In the past, you could change the server settings later to use management. But you say that increasingly there will be differences between the two that can’t be changed afterwards - one example is the deployment tab in the server …
[View More]editor.
So perhaps we should consider which one should be used for runtime detection in the future. Or even better perhaps to offer both options for runtime detection?
What do you think about this?
Martin Malina
JBoss QA Engineer
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
Purkynova 99
612 45 Brno, Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 532 294 265
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11 years