Target Platform 4.40.0.Beta3, for JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Beta2 has been released
by Mickael Istria
Changes (compared to 4.40.0.Beta2)
* JBIDE-17254: Updated version of
* JBIDE-17266: Re-added Birt (RC1 version for Luna)
* JBIDE-17306: Updated m2e-apt
* JBIDE-16757: Remove m2e-jdt
Target platform 4.40.0.Beta3 is what JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Beta2 will use.
All Jenkins jobs for branch and parent pom 4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT have
been updated to use target platform 4.40.0.Beta3.
The following p2 repositories *will be modified* to point to this new
target platform once JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Beta3 is released:
Update site:
Update site zip:
Git tag:
If your root pom correctly specifies the latest parent pom version as
4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT, you need only this:
$ mvn clean verify
If you're using a different parent pom, use this:
$ mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3
For advanced usage and help (using in IDE, building a mirror locally,
using a zip), see
What's next?
jbosstools-target-platforms project branch 4.40.x has been prepared for
potential upgrades, and its version is now 4.40.0.Beta4-SNAPSHOT. We can
at least expect for Beta4:
* Move to Luna release/R/SR0
* Shall you need anything else, please follow those instructions to
request a change ASAP:
. Deadline for changes in target platform 4.40.0.Beta4-SNAPSHOT is
*Monday, June 30th*
All Jenkins jobs for *master* have been updated to use target platform
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
My blog <> - My Tweets
jbosstools-dev mailing list
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
My blog <> - My Tweets
10 years, 7 months
Recently can't load internal browser
by Rob Stryker
Not sure what's changed on my system, but i recently can't load an
internal browser. Just get the following error:
[Could not detect registered XULRunner to use]
Anyone know how to fix this situation, or steps to debug it? Not sure if
I'm missing some bundle / fragment / or just broke something.
- Rob
10 years, 7 months
Target Platform release possibly delayed (a little)
by Mickael Istria
Hi all,
According to our agenda, today is the day when Target Platform
4.40.0.Beta2 should be released.
However, I noticed that the Central target-platform and install-grinder
jobs haven't been updated (my bad) when moving to Luna M7. That makes
that last installation tests were working, and succeeding, when
installing on Luna M6 a JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT (referencing
Luna M7 in the TP) and connectors from Central that were based on Luna
M6. But this is not the scenario we are willing to validate.
So I've already updated a few things, however, before actually releasing
and announcing the new TP release, updated all jobs and so on, I need to
make sure that the following installation scenario works:
* On Luna M7
* Install JBoss Tools with Luna M7 (4.40.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT) Target-Platform
* And install Central stuff compatible with Luna M7
So I'm waiting for feedback from this job:
before I can go ahead and finish the target-platform release. Depending
on slave availability, it can be either in the next 30 minutes, or
tomorrow morning (just a guess).
Sorry for the disturbance.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
My blog <> - My Tweets
10 years, 7 months vs VJET?
by Angelo zerr
Hi JBoss guys,
I have noticed that you had integrated VJET last year. I have never played
with VJET, but I have seen features screenshot of VJET (like object
litteral validation) and it seems very powerful.
My goal is to try to implement the same feature than VJET, but I'm very
curious why you decided to integrate and contribute to although
you have VJET.
Could you please give me pros, cons for using and VJET?
Many thank's for your info.
Regards Angelo
10 years, 7 months
Problem with JUnit test execution with maven
by Xavier Coulon
I just got a NPE with tests running from Maven (they run fine from PDE, though): 'org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.model.ModelProviderManager.ModelProviderManager.getModelProvider(project)' returns 'null' in the WizardPages that I'm trying to test.
For the moment, I'll skip those tests on maven to avoid build failures on Jenkins, but if anyone has a clue what I should do to get them pass on maven/Jenkins (i.e., initialise the ModelProviderManager ?), please let me know ;-)
Thanks !
Best regards,
10 years, 7 months