Fwd: [epp-dev] Heads Up and some action requested : TCF Terminals Moving to TM
by Max Rydahl Andersen
I believe this will end up affecting us too.
Opened jira for this: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS-3384
For most this is just a repackaging that don't affect code, but for Fuse
which currently rely on org.eclipse.tm.internal.terminal this will
require changes.
Forwarded message:
> From: Oberhuber, Martin <Martin.Oberhuber(a)windriver.com>
> To: Eclipse Packaging Project <epp-dev(a)eclipse.org>
> Subject: Re: [epp-dev] Heads Up and some action requested : TCF
> Terminals Moving to TM
> Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2015 15:54:07 +0000
> Hi Package Maintainers,
> We have been convinced that contributing from TCF under a foreign
> namespace is not a good idea.
> On the other hand, the deprecated legacy terminal view has already
> been removed from the simrel:
> http://git.eclipse.org/c/simrel/org.eclipse.simrel.build.git/commit/?id=d...
> This means there is now some action strongly suggested, or packages
> might fail to build or build against outdated (M5) terminal
> contributions:
> - jee : Remove legacy terminal.view , optionally add the new
> tcf.terminals.view - Bug
> 462087<https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=462087>
> - reporting : Remove legacy terminal.view , optionally add
> the new tcf.terminals.view - Bug
> 462089<https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=462089>
> - parallel : Optionally add
> org.eclipse.tcf.te.terminals.feature AND
> org.eclipse.tcf.te.terminals.rse.feature
> - cpp : Optionally add org.eclipse.tcf.te.terminals.feature
> AND org.eclipse.tcf.te.terminals.rse.feature
> For the must-have changes in jee and reporting, we have created bugs
> and Gerrit changesets.
> Since I am an epp committer, I think I could apply these for you, but
> I would like the package maintainer's OK before I do that.
> I would strongly recommend also applying the optional changes (adding
> the TCF Terminals View) such that users can see the new view and
> provide feedback.
> Without doing this, the Terminal view would be GONE in the respective
> packages in M6 and only reappear in M7 once the move has been
> completed.
> I can also apply these changes for you if I get your OK.
> Please let me know how you want to proceed, and if there's any
> questions/concerns !
> Thanks,
> Martin
> --
> Martin Oberhuber, SMTS / Product Owner - Development Tools, Wind River
> direct +43.662.457915.85 fax +43.662.457915.6
> From: epp-dev-bounces(a)eclipse.org [mailto:epp-dev-bounces@eclipse.org]
> On Behalf Of Oberhuber, Martin
> Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 6:17 PM
> To: EPP Developer Mailing List (epp-dev(a)eclipse.org)
> Subject: [epp-dev] Heads Up and some action requested : TCF Terminals
> Moving to TM
> Hi Package Maintainers,
> You might be aware that based on the original TM Terminal view, the
> TCF Project has come up with a much enhanced terminal:
> https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/tcf-terminals
> In order to simplify code adoption and contributions, we want to
> restructure the codebase and re-unite it with the original TM
> codebase.
> The result will be called "TM Terminal 4.0" but will contain the
> related TM _and_ TCF code in a single, small git repository.
> Here is the respective restructuring review:
> https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/tools.cdt.tcf/reviews/move-tcf-term...
> Now unfortunately the review is scheduled to complete by April 1 which
> is after M6, but we would like to give adopters
> a preview of the new Terminal with M6 in order to get more feedback.
> Thus here's what we are planning:
> - The TM project will no longer contribute its
> org.eclipse.tm.terminal.* to the simrel
> - Instead, the TCF project will contribute
> org.eclpse.tm.terminal.*_4.0 to the simrel (already using the *new*
> namespace).
> This affects the "jee" and "reporting" packages which currently
> directly use those features:
> org.eclipse.epp.packages/packages>grep org.eclipse.tm.terminal
> */feature.xml
> org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.feature/feature.xml: <import
> feature="org.eclipse.tm.terminal"/>
> org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.feature/feature.xml: <import
> feature="org.eclipse.tm.terminal.ssh"/>
> org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.feature/feature.xml: <import
> feature="org.eclipse.tm.terminal.telnet"/>
> org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.feature/feature.xml: <import
> feature="org.eclipse.tm.terminal.view"/>
> org.eclipse.epp.package.reporting.feature/feature.xml: <import
> feature="org.eclipse.tm.terminal"/>
> org.eclipse.epp.package.reporting.feature/feature.xml: <import
> feature="org.eclipse.tm.terminal.ssh"/>
> org.eclipse.epp.package.reporting.feature/feature.xml: <import
> feature="org.eclipse.tm.terminal.telnet"/>
> org.eclipse.epp.package.reporting.feature/feature.xml: <import
> feature="org.eclipse.tm.terminal.view"/>
> If you do not take any action, you will simply see the new "4.0"
> version of those features from TCF, giving you the new tabbed terminal
> view.
> If you want, you can take the following two actions as soon as TCF
> starts contributing the new namespace:
> - You may REMOVE "org.eclipse.tm.terminal" since that feature
> is auto-required by "org.eclipse.tm.terminal.view" ; that would allow
> updating the widget without updating the view in the future.
> - You may ADD "org.eclipse.tm.terminal.local" since that
> feature gives you the new local terminal (console) prompt
> - You may want to set the minimum version range to 4.0 to
> ensure you get the new features
> - You may want to review the terminal whether it fits your
> needs and provide feedback.
> Of course other packages are more than welcome to also consume the new
> Terminal - all relevant docs are in the marketplace entry cited above.
> For now this is just a heads up;
> We are planning to add the new "TM Namespace" features to the TCF
> simrel contribution over the course of the week.
> I will send another notification once the new features are available.
> Please let me know of any concerns or questions !
> Or comment directly on the Move Review if you want.
> Thanks,
> Martin
> --
> Martin Oberhuber, SMTS / Product Owner - Development Tools, Wind River
> direct +43.662.457915.85 fax +43.662.457915.6
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> epp-dev mailing list
> epp-dev(a)eclipse.org
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9 years, 10 months
rename "testing-tools" to "arquillian"
by Max Rydahl Andersen
when we creatd "testing-tools" component is was to cover what at the
time was a sea of testing
fwks like arquillian, shrinkwrap, httpunit, jsfunit etc. but over time
it is now 99% arquillian.
Normally I would have marked testingt-tools as deprecated and name it zz
testing-tools and add
new "arquillian" component.
but that seems overkill in this case.
If no objections to this I'll do the rename by Tuesday.
9 years, 10 months