
  • 28 participants
  • 54 discussions
JBoss Tools Core 4.0.0.CR1b bits available for QE testing
by Nick Boldt
10 months, 1 week
Any way to make FreeMarker IDE fixes avilable with less delay?
by Daniel Dekany
8 years, 8 months
Eclipse plugins testing structure
by Aurelien Pupier
8 years, 8 months
Tycho 0.25.0 available for testing
by Nick Boldt
8 years, 10 months
Can we have a jenkins build triggered upon github PR?
by André Dietisheim
8 years, 10 months
Known issues w/ JBT 4.4.0.Alpha1 & DS 10.0.0.Alpha1 bits staged for QE
by Nick Boldt
8 years, 10 months
Question on where to set preferences for upstream plugins
by Rob Stryker
8 years, 10 months
Jira now have boards
by Max Andersen
8 years, 11 months
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