Proposed schedule for JBoss Tools 4.13.0.Final / CodeReady Studio 12.13.0.GA
by Jean-Francois Maury
please find the proposed schedule dates for JBoss Tools and CodeReady
Studio based on Eclipse 2019-09
2019-09.M1 19-Jul-2019
2019-09.M2 9-Aug-2019
2019-06.M3 30-Aug-2019
2019-09.RC1 6-Sep-2019
2019-09.RC2 13-Sep-2019
2019-09 GA 18-Sep-2019
12-Jun-2019 2-Jul-2019 168 Nymphea
3-Jul-2019 23-Jul-2019 169
24-Jul-2019 13-Aug-2019 170
14-Aug-2019 3-Sep-2019 171
4-Sep-2019 24-Sep-2019 172 Orchid
25-Sep-2019 15-Oct-2019 173
EAP CD 17 GA 25-Jul-2019
EAP 7.…
[View More]3 Beta 26-Aug-2019
Wildfly 18 Beta 4-Sep-2019
Wildfly 18 19-Sep-2019
EAP CD 18 GA 12-Nov-2019
EAP 7.3 GA 21-Jan-2020
So, in chronological order:
devex #168 2-Jul-2019
2019-09.M1 19-Jul-2019
devex #169 23-Jul-2019
EAP CD 17 GA 25-Jul-2019
2019-09.M2 9-Aug-2019
devex #170 13-Aug-2019
EAP 7.3 Beta 26-Aug-2019
2019-06.M3 30-Aug-2019
devex #171 3-Sep-2019
Wildfly 18 Beta 4-Sep-2019
2019-09.RC1 6-Sep-2019
2019-09.RC2 13-Sep-2019
2019-09 GA 18-Sep-2019
Wildfly 18 19-Sep-2019
devex #172 24-Sep-2019
devex #173 15-Oct-2019
So, the proposed schedule could be the following:
4.13.0.AM1 TP Code Freeze (based on 2019-09.RC1)
4.13.0.AM1 Code Freeze
4.13.0.AM1 staged for QE
4.13.0.AM1 released
4.13.0.Final TP Code Freeze (based on 2019-09 GA)
4.13.0.Final Code Freeze
4.13.0.Final staged for QE
12.13.0.GA pushed to stage by RCM
12.13.0.GA pushed to prod by RCM
12.13.0.GA announced
So, the bits will be based on 2019-09 and will support Wildfly 18 and EAP
7.3 Beta (Tech Preview)
Jeff Maury
Manager, DevTools
Red Hat EMEA <>
@RedHat <> Red Hat
<> Red Hat
[View Less]
5 years, 5 months
Proposed 4.13.0.AM1-SNAPSHOT target platform change(s): simrel 2019-09.M2 orbit S20190726194335 camel-lsp-client lsp4e docker webtools 3.15.0.M2 jetty 9.4.20.v20190813 mylyn-github
Here is a proposal for change(s) to the JBoss Tools / Red Hat CodeReady Studio / Red Hat Central target platforms.
Affected Versions:
jbosstools 4.13.0.AM1
devstudio 12.13.0.AM1
jbt/ds TPs 4.13.0.AM1-SNAPSHOT
central TPs 4.13.0.AM1-SNAPSHOT
Detail / Summary:
simrel 2019-09.M2
orbit S20190726194335
webtools 3.15.0.M2
jetty 9.4.20.v20190813
Related JIRA(s):
[View More]
Pull Request(s):
(already merged - see related JIRA(s))
p2diff Report(s):
(will attach to JIRA when available)
Please review the above changes, as they have been applied and are building today.
Once the target platform is built, jobs and parent pom will be updated to point
TARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION_MAX at the new version, 4.13.0.AM1-SNAPSHOT.
You can use the following to build & test the target platforms locally against
your component(s).
Build target-platform:
cd /path/to/jbosstools-target-platforms
git fetch origin pull/<pull-request-number>/head && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
# or, using hub for git
git checkout <pull-request-URL>
mvn clean install -f jbosstools/multiple/pom.xml
Then, to test the new multiple target platform against your component's build:
cd /path/to/your/jbosstools-component
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.13.0.AM1-SNAPSHOT -Dtpc.targetKind=multiple
For Central, fetch sources from jbosstools-discovery, then build as above.
[View Less]
5 years, 7 months
Re: [jbosstools-dev] Disable nested virt on PSI Openstack platform - Need Feedback
by Ondrej Dockal
Hi Mohan,
We would like to confirm our need for nested virtualization tech preview
feature on PSI openstack we are using.
Teams: CodeReady Studio QE, Adapters QE
Tenant: dev-platform-jenkins
Flavors: ci.m1.large, ci.m1.xlarge, ci.m5.large, ci.m4.xlarge.xmem
Also, CC other teams that might need nested virt.
Ondrej, CodeReady Studio QE
On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 9:33 PM Mohan Shash <mokumar(a)> wrote:
> Dear PSI Openstack Users,
> We (PSI team) want to …
[View More]identify teams requiring nested virtualization to be
> enabled in PSI Openstack platform. We are preparing steps to disable
> nested virtualization for everyone by default, however, understand that
> some teams have a business it and such a change might drastically disturb
> your workflows and our aim to minimize the impact with your help.
> What are we doing:
> Identification of the teams/projects that require nested virt and their
> respective flavors. Once teams have been identified nested virtualization
> will be enabled only for required flavors and be disabled for others.
> What should I/you do:
> Please let us know if your team (tenant) requires nested virtualization by
> responding to this email with the name of the tenant, and the flavors.
> Also, please pass this message to teams using PSI Openstack platform if
> they are going to be impacted.
> What will be the impact:
> After the changes are applied teams requiring nested virtualization will
> need to use special flavors which will only be visible to the
> teams/projects that have a business need for it and have contacted us with
> the details.
> If the details are not provided now a ticket has to be created with PnT
> DevOps ( to get your tenant & flavor enabled.
> Why are we taking this measure:
> Nested Virt is still in tech preview on RHEL, not fully supported on the
> platform. Lately, this feature has been a source of hard to debug problems
> in PSI OpenStack platform which is affecting all the users.
> When will the change happen:
> Please respond to this email asap, not later than 21st Aug.
> We are planning to disable nested virtualization on the platform during
> our next maintenance, tentative: 24th Aug 2019.
> If you have any concerns with this, please comment on this JIRA:
> Rgds,
> PnT DevOps
> Rgds,
> PnT DevOps
> Mohan Shash
> Snr Project Manager
> Red Hat Raleigh <>
> mokumar(a)
> M: +19195224716
> <>
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5 years, 7 months