ACTION REQUIRED: JBoss Tools + Developer Studio triage time
As the current sprint 'devex #185 June 2020' draws to a close, it is time
to review your unresolved issues!
Some may be done (or will be done soon), but the JIRA(s) need resolution.
Others may need to be pushed to the next milestone (4.16.0.Final + 12.16.0.GA),
to a future .x release, or LATER.
All unresolved issues for 4.16.0.AM1 + 12.16.0.AM1:
All *YOUR* unresolved issues for 4.16.0.AM1 + 12.16.0.AM1:
Once created, you can also begin scheduling your work for the upcoming
sprint, 'devex #186 July 2020'.
Triage tips:
* blocker/critical issues: make these your priority work for the next sprint:
move to next version & assign to the next sprint
* other issues that WILL be done in the next sprint:
move to next version & assign to the forthcoming sprint, but lower down
* non-blocker & non-critical issues not for the next sprint:
move to .x (or LATER)
4 years, 8 months