Thanks, Rob -- can you send me that bug number in WTP and I'll open a
JIRA linked to it for tracking.
-- John
On Fri, 2009-02-20 at 14:28 +0800, Rob Stryker wrote:
Current WTP has a bug that if the debug.ui plugin has not been loaded
yet, the console will show nothing. So if you start a new workspace, and
try to start the server, teh console will remain empty and show nothing.
But the moment you open the debug view or do any activity that loads the
debug.ui bundle, the console will start displaying output.
John Graham wrote:
>> The console just shows the output stream from the AS process.
> So, I should see a stream of events on server start/stop? If so, then
> that is not working for me.
> -- John
> On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 18:12 -0500, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> The console just shows the output stream from the AS process.
>> The Server Event Log should collect the more highlevel events like
>> stop, start, deploy, redeploy etc.
>> /max
>> ----- "John Graham" <jgraham(a)> wrote:
>>> I'm experiencing some strange behavior with the Console view when
>>> using
>>> the Servers view. I thought the Console view was supposed to show
>>> server
>>> activity as would be seen by starting/stopping/etc. a server from the
>>> command line. The Console view does not register this output for me
>>> on
>>> server start and, at seemingly random times during development, it
>>> will
>>> start registering events and work (as I assumed it was going to)
>>> after
>>> that. Usually, however, it never displays server
>>> start/stop/publish/etc.
>>> events at all. Nothing in the error log, though once a while ago
>>> before
>>> I was looking at this issue I noticed some stack traces from the
>>> console. Sorry, didn't save those ;(
>>> Is the Console supposed to work that way with the Server view and, if
>>> so, is it working for others?
>>> -- John
>>> Environment: FC8, JBDS 2.0CR2, SOA-P 4.3
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