>> So... if you wanted to nest some test plugins for verifying content on the sites,
I might suggest site/tests/ as a reasonable place to start.
> well site it self is a eclipse-update-site packaging so putting tests subdirs under
it is not really possible.
> I wonder if I could just add a basic java unit test to this one....i'll try that.
Eclipse-update-site lifecycle mapping does not contain any compilation phase (see
), so you'll need to explicitly invoke maven-compiler-plugin..
that sucks...
Something that may work better:
1. Write your test-case in the tests/ module
where ? you mean create a build/aggregator/tests module?
2. Invoke surefire in the site pom.xml (in an integration-test step)
and reference this test-case in surefire configuration
hmm - okey - that could possibly work.
Would actually allow me to write a general test run for any updatesite now that I think
about it.