Thanks Fred:
Do we know if these also get published only on major release /
milestone? Or if these are immediately loaded and live to view?
- Rob
On 09/27/2012 04:01 PM, Fred Bricon wrote:
Le jeudi 27 septembre 2012 09:48:33, Rob Stryker a écrit :
> Hey all: JBT currently checks a remote URL for possible runtime types
> to download which are not declared via extension point as runtimes
> available for download. This is to ensure that even mid-devcycle, we can
> add new runtimes to the list.
> The file is located here:
> I recently added new features to runtimes, which allows for a license
> url. Unfortunately this remote file does not have hte license url
> attribute, so I need to add it.
> Anyone here know how to modify that remote file? Where to gain access?
> - Rob
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