Hello everyone !
We finally have a draft of the upcoming website to share with you. It's not complete,
but it's hopefully in a good enough shape so you can take a look at it and see how
it's organized:
The code source for the site is on the github repo (on the 'master' branch):
https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-website/tree/master and we have setup Travis
https://travis-ci.org/jbosstools/jbosstools-website/) to
automatically run a build when changes are pushed to master and if it passes it will be
published to the staging server (github pages at the moment).
Most of the pages come from Asciidoctor files, so for example, in the future, writing
N&N should be as simple as submitting a PR with a file like this one:
You will notice that github now renders .adoc files, thus N&N are also readable from
github directly (raw version is here:
Other pages such as those under
are generated from some yaml files such as
We still need to fix links and add some content but the general layout of news/blogs,
downloads, features and New and noteworthy is there.
We'll take care of this next week or when we come back from vacations.
Please, give us our feedback by commenting
with anything that seems wrong/missing/broken on the site - or just reply to the mail if
you like it ;-).
If you want to build the site locally and try it out you can read
https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-website/blob/master/readme.adoc which should
provide enough details.
If those instructions does not work for you let us know!
In the mean time, let us wish you a merry Christmas break.
Best regards
Xavier and Max.