facet is not the same as project type AFAIK.
fixed facet is what it says - its fixed ;)
Not sure if there is direct API's in the facet framework to handle this kind of
I suggest asking on
eclipse.org wtp forums for it.
if you do send the link and I can try and help out if noone answers.
On Jun 30, 2011, at 12:07, feng.qian wrote:
> On 06/30/2011 05:34 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> please use jbosstools-dev for dev questions Grid. (moved it)
> got it
>>> 1 when I add the bpel facet, I only use codes to add the facet, don't do
others, but in the org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml:
>>> <fixed facet="bpel.facet.core"/>
>>> Who and why add the fixed facet?
>> I'll assume the facet system.
> Ha, yes, of course. But in this xml file, there is
> <installed facet="bpel.facet.core" version="2.0"/>
> It means the project has bpel facet. What is the fixed facet purpose?
>>> 2 when I remove the bpel facet, using facetproject.uninstallprojectfacet(), I
only can remove:
>>> <installed facet="bpel.facet.core" version="2.0"/>
>>> org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml. The
>>> <fixed facet="bpel.facet.core"/> is still there.
>>> How do I can remove the fixed facet?
>> fixed facets are locked in based on the project type - so if you created it as a
BPEL project that is fixed in as I understand it.
>> See
> I had read the documents. For now I am working on convert jboss bpel project to
eclipse bpel project.
> I need uninstall the jbt.bpel.facet.core, and install bpel.facet.core.
> After I do uninstall, the
> <installed facet="jbt.bpel.facet.core" version="2.0"/>
> disappear. but
> <fixed facet="jbt.bpel.facet.core"/> is still there.
> So when I install the bpel.facet.core facet, I only can get
> <fixed facet="jbt.bpel.facet.core"/>
> <installed facet="bpel.facet.core" version="2.0"/>
> in org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml file
> The correct result should be:
> <fixed facet="bpel.facet.core"/>
> <installed facet="bpel.facet.core" version="2.0"/>
>> /max