Le 07/11/2012 18:19, Nick Boldt a écrit :
Core component jobs are all running against github now (haven't
all the SOA stuff over yet).
Two (2) jobs are red due to test failures:
* Hibernate
* JavaEE
Five (5) jobs have failing tests:
* Base
* Central/Maven/Examples
Test fixes were committed yesterday but the last build
was spun 2 days ago.
For some reason I can't log into
http://hudson.jboss.org/ either with my
redhat kerberos credentials or my
jboss.org ones, so I can't respin the
* Server
* Webservices
Please check your jobs and fix these if possible. As we're getting
closer to CR, it's time for another *OPERATION BLUE BALLS* / *OPERATION
I would prefer to not have to open JIRAs for all your components'
failing tests, so if your component is listed above, please...
1. open JIRA(s),
2. create a topic branch & checkout from that branch
3. pull updates from the beta2x branch
4. fix the problem, check it in, push to your fork's topic branch
5. pull-request* it be merged into the origin.
6. Then repeat on a new topic branch for the master branch.
(If the above git workflow looks wrong, please reply here and correct
it. I'm new to git so I'm still trying to ensure I do things in the
correct sequence.)
Thanks in advance!