In order to avoid confusion concerning which version is the latest
given stream of builds (master vs. stable branch), and to streamline
release process to handle both JBT/JBDS releases and their associated
(but later) JBTIS/JBDSIS releases, I've moved stuff around so it's
obvious where the latest versions come from.
Note: this applies to the Mars releases only.
Thus, here are the source files to update if/when things are added to
the list of things we include in Central which are Early Access:
Sorry for being dumb here, but these do not look like the *source* files
- those are their destination; where users will get the mappings from
when running eclipse.
When those are updated in github, they will cascade into the Central
plugins when rebuilt (such that when in offline mode there's still a
backup/default list), and also into the creation of the Central and
Early Access *Discovery* sites.
Where is the *actual* source in github ?
I would expect these to live inside jbosstools-discovery project.