So, you're all familiar by now with the views we use to track
jobs for JBT/JBDS builds, right?
not really - always hard to find the links ;) but yes, they are great! (3.2/4.1
branch) (3.3/5.0
current milestone branch) (3.3/5.0 trunk)
Just recently I discovered there's a widget for "Latest Builds" which helps
you see what's currently running. It's now the second widget on the above pages
under "Unstable Builds", and shows the ten most recent builds.
Anything blinking is in progress, which makes it really easy to see if jobs spinning
along during the freeze/respin cycle and for me to know when everyone's done and
it's quiet enough to pull builds from nightly & staging into the development
folders for use by QE.
nice - any way to configure it to show what timezone or at least the delta time (i.e. 4hrs
ago) so one can know how long its actually been running ?