Max Andersen <manderse(a)> wrote:
Didn't we find that orbit has poi so it should not be in locus ?
Jackson - should be opened against JBTIS to take from locus but need to
check if nick finished of locus cleanup.
I can't check that right now since I'm on the move. Can check tomorrow.
/max (sent from my phone)
> On 17/06/2013, at 19.05, Paul Richardson <p.g.richardson(a)>
> Afternoon,
> Can I have some advice ...
> I noticed last week that the Designer codebase is still carrying
around some library jars in its
> plugins and I am attempting to eliminate them by
> a) using dependencies from the TP (jbt-locus +
> b) bringing down the library from maven so that at least the codebase
does not carry the library
> Consequently, the following libraries are available in jbt's orbit as
TD plugin dependencies:
> <unit id="org.apache.poi" version="3.9.0.v201303080712"/>
> <unit id="org.codehaus.jackson.core"
> <unit id="org.codehaus.jackson.mapper"
> I notice in the target file based on the
that the 4.30.5.Alpha5/REPO
> [1] is the repository responsible for making available orbit located
bundles? Is that right?
> Should I file a JIRA against JBIDE or JBITS?
> Any help much appreciated.
> Cheers
> [1]
> --
> Paul Richardson
> * p.g.richardson(a)
> * pgrichardson(a)
> * mob: +44 (0)9780 869490
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Re. poi - correct. Its not in locus and I am taking it from orbit but merging it into the
designer target separately using the merge mojo.
Re. Jackson. Confused... Its already in jbt's orbit mirror so should not need to go in
Just need the bundles in orbit mirror included in TP somehow. I'll jira against JBTIS
to log it.