>> I'm guessing at some point, there will be coordinated
>> milestones across the SOA tools, much like the milestones for JBT.
> Not unless the SOA tools dev get that going.
> Right now the "coordinated release" will be taking place on the
> "older" plugins being used for the productized versions.
> For the new development I/we need the devs on SOA tooling to setup
> such release milestones.
Probably going to be tough. It might be nice if we could standardize on something like a
quarterly-ish or semi-annual release. The purpose being to provide a wholesale refresh of
the stable SOA repo. This could be as simple as whatever the latest "release"
build is for each project. For example, if we were to do this today, that would be
0.3.0.Final for SY; next month it would be 0.4.0.Final.
As the release approaches, coordination can pick up to ensure the necessary
interdependencies are aligned properly. This may involve sliding the date a bit, if
You are basically outlining the suggestion I've been pulling for the last year if not
more ;)
Also, I think the more process that is put around this, the less
likely it will be to occur.
Yes - it requires the dev teams to want it.
For now jbosstools just been pulling for info on what version should get included in the
next milestone but
thats just grown to be too much overhead for us to drive/maintain alone.
Which is why currently we have removed SOA site from core and awaiting Douglas to set it
up and get the various
team involved in pushing their own bits and from there see if beautiful working updatesite
compatible with rest of JBoss Tools will appear ;)
On a serious note - we should do this and if switchyard can be the motivator to kick it
off (since it integrates all the other parts) that would be great.
If I can help with/answer anything let me know :)
> I'll be glad help doing that - but need the dev teams to align with.
> /max
>> Best,
>> Rob
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> This is the same principle as "standard" Maven, except
>>>>> instead
>>>>> of Maven repositories, you use p2 repositories.
>>>> This was the point of my question. So: Does such a repository
>>>> exist? If so, where does it live?
>>>> If a repository does not already exist, I'll simply wait until a
>>>> Guvnor 5.4 release is available from the nightly SOA repo.
>>> Right now SOA tools have expressed the wish to be "independent"
>>> and
>>> as such we've stopped having them as part of
>>> jbosstools main builds.
>>> Right now each of these projects are just built "on its own" and
>>> we
>>> previously just took in specific releases/builds as suggested by
>>> the team when we *pulled*/nagged for getting such info. Before it
>>> went to the main jbosstools site but after SOA want to be
>>> more independent (and build "on top") they are in this "soa
>>> which is updated much less.
>>> I personally wish that SOA tools (i.e. drools, switchyard, jbpm,
>>> guvnor, savara etc.) would get together and help Douglas (in cc)
>>> to setup and drive a more unified build setup of the SOA plugins
>>> so
>>> this kind of collaboration became much easier.
>>> The current thinking is that Douglas will get the soa tooling site
>>> setup so each individual team can push their own changes -
>>> but that does not solve your problem since you all would need to
>>> coordinate so updates to Drools doesn't break you and viceversa.
>>> (or maybe you want it to break so you can find the issues faster
>>> and
>>> then fix it faster ;)
>>> /max
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