Realistically, if we refactored today, spawned the new jbosstools-locus
project in github, got the job running, published a new site...
... would that give you enough time to move to a new plugins-only update
You'd need to change:
a) URL of the site you depend on
b) dependency would have to be on plugin instead of feature
Is that doable in the timeframe, if I get the site published TODAY?
On 04/22/2013 08:48 AM, Barry Lafond wrote:
Trying to get Teiid Designer 8.1 Final out first thing next week,
April 29th
*From: *"Max Rydahl Andersen" <manderse(a)>
*To: *"Paul Richardson" <p.g.richardson(a)>
*Cc: *"Mickael Istria" <mistria(a)>, "jbosstools-dev
jbosstools-dev" <jbosstools-dev(a)>, "Max Rydahl
Andersen" <max.andersen(a)>, "Barry Lafond"
*Sent: *Monday, April 22, 2013 6:34:33 AM
*Subject: *Re: JBoss Tools Orbit and Teiid Locus
On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 11:29:07AM +0100, Paul Richardson wrote:
>Morning guys,
>Back from holiday so apologies for not answering sooner.
>No problem at all with sharing it and moving it forward. I haven't
had much time to give it more
>attention, especially as the current prototype satisfies teiid
designer's current requirements.
>However, always intended to try and get it more generic ...
>The locus source repository is available here[1].
>It is currently used as part of Teiid Designer 8.1 alpha/beta
releases and unreleased 8.1+ code so
>if there are to be changes affecting the plugin namespaces then
probably before 8.1's release would
>be preferable. If not, then as long as the current locus update
site remains for 8.1 then we can
>transition to a new update site for 8.2.
whats the timeline for 8.1 release ?
>The current locus update site that Teiid Designer fetches plugins
from is here[2].
>Let me know thoughts ... chat further
>On 04/17/2013 04:33 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> I can see in your comments on that you've started to
>> work on an "Orbit-like" repo to share some common JAR
dependencies as OSGi bundles on a p2 repo.
>> We see that as an interesting prototype for a JBoss Orbit/Locus
that we could share for all
>> Eclipse-based repo at Eclipse. We'd like to make some changes
such as fixing some package names,
>> avoid committing jars (in favor of maven-dependency-plugin or
maven-download-plugin), add FestAssert
>> and others...
>> Do you have any objection with making this repo part of the
jbosstools organization ?
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Mickael Istria
>> Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
>> My blog <> - My Tweets
>Paul Richardson
> * p.g.richardson(a)
> * pgrichardson(a)
> * mob: +44 (0)9780 869490
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Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio