I got even worse situation when trying to reproduce JBT slowness for the
wildfly projects (
I used Andre's workspase with wildfly, jboss-metadata and undertow
projects imported in the workspace and got an infinite loop of builds .
Maven build changes pom.xml (see AbstractMavenArchiverConfigurator
) and Eclipse interrupts the building process and starts it again. Maven
build is invoked and changes pom.xml. Eclipse interrupts the building
process and so on.
I just ran JBT with Andre's workspace. I didn't have any chance to
change any pom.xml.
On 01/06/2014 12:14 PM, Snjezana Peco wrote:
The maven archiver configurator unnecessarily creates
pom.xml/pom.properties files for all the projects of the war, ear ejb...
type whenever the Maven builder is called and calls other builders.
I suppose building the wildfly distribution will be several percent
faster since the Maven builder is called more times for most of the
projects. Improvement can be much greater if a third party builder isn't
implemented correctly (a builder isn't incremental).
On 1/6/2014 12:31 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> Interesting fix.
> How big a performance impact does this fix have ?
> on i.e. big projects like wildfly ?
> /max
> On 6 Jan 2014, at 0:30, Snjezana Peco wrote:
>> Fred,
>> The
https://github.com/tesla/m2eclipse-mavenarchiver/pull/2 PR contains
>> original code. It uses Eclipse resource delta to find out if pom.xml has
>> been modified. PR#1 does it by comparing pom.xml files.
>> PR#2 was already created when I saw PR#1.
>> Snjeza
>> On 1/5/2014 10:45 PM, Fred Bricon wrote:
>>> Snjeza,
>>> The previous PR was never applied because the original author never
>>> reacted wrt signing Sonatype's CLA.
>>> Anyway I agree with your approach, I like it better.
>>> Did you write that solution from scratch or did you use some of the
>>> PR#1 code
>>> Only thing missing from that are integration tests and bumping the
>>> plugin version.
>>> If we can provide 100% original code I'm confident I can get the patch
>>> applied soon (I'm not a member of that repo).
>>> Fred
>>> Le samedi 4 janvier 2014 19:53:08, Snjezana Peco a écrit :
>>>> I have just seen
https://github.com/tesla/m2eclipse-mavenarchiver/pull/1 that fixes the
>>>> same issue.
>>>> I think, that PR will also decrease performance because it reads and
>>>> compares two pom.xml file whenever the Maven Archiver configurator is
>>>> called.
>>>> Snjeza
>>>> On 1/4/2014 7:21 PM, Snjezana Peco wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> The AbstractMavenArchiverConfigurator.writePom method is called
>>>>> the Maven builder is called. The method writes
>>>>> archive files no matter if pom.xml has been changed or not.
>>>>> M2e-wtp includes the Maven Archiver configurator into different
>>>>> (war, ear, ejb, rar...)
>>>>> Since the Maven builder can often be called when there are a lot of
>>>>> maven projects in the workspace (the wildfly distribution, for
>>>>> instance), this issue will decrease performance.
>>>>> It will also unnecessarily call other builders (CDI, KB, Arquillian
>>>>> ...). If those builders are created correctly, they won't do
>>>>> but performance will be decreased because the following useless
>>>>> have been run:
>>>>> - Maven Archiver writes pom.xml/pom.properties
>>>>> - Eclipse runs other builders
>>>>> - builders search a resource delta
>>>>> The
https://github.com/tesla/m2eclipse-mavenarchiver/pull/2 PR fixes
>>>>> issue by calling the writePom method only if pom.xml is changed or
>>>>> there isn't pom.xml in the output folder.
>>>>> I have created the PR against the
https://github.com/tesla/m2eclipse-mavenarchiver repository. Not sure
>>>>> it is a valid repository for the m2eclipse-mavenarchiver plugin.
>>>>> Snjeza
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