Currently, because Kepler 4.3.0.Final is not yet released, I have set
both min and max to the same value in both the 4.1.0.Alpha1 (stable
branch) and 4.1.0.Alpha2 (master branch) parent poms:
<!-- In case no profile fits your requested TP version,
directly override this property -->
<!-- default value for the "maximum" profile: TODO:
switch to M6 bits (4.30.3.Alpha1) -->
Once 4.3.0.Final (Kepler R) is released in June, we will start to have a
valid "maximum" target platform as well, based on maintenance builds
that will eventually become Kepler SR1 or SR2.
Also, there is no "-Pminimum" profile, because that's the default
operation. The profile "-Pmaximum" is a convenience method to selects
the default maximum so you don't have to set it explicitly with
Note too that the latest Kepler target platform is now version
4.30.3.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT (not .2) because we had to update to use Eclipse
4.3M5a bits, newer BIRT, WTP, and the overall Kepler release.
On 02/11/2013 01:45 AM, Mickael Istria wrote:
On 02/08/2013 10:54 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:
> Your build log will state which version of .target file is being fetched
> from Nexus. That version will map 1:1 to a folder on
> For example:
> > Downloading:
> Maps to this target platform:
> Should you need to build against a different target platform than the
> versions stated in the parent pom, you can override with this:
> > mvn verify -DTARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION=4.21.4.Final-SNAPSHOT
By the way, we do maintain a "maximum" and "minimum" profiles for
which define the version of target-platfrom we support. Instead of using
the -DTARGET_PLATFORM_VERSION and choosing a version of the TP, you
should use "-Pmaximum" or "-Pminimum" which will set you the right
version of supported Target Platfroms for this build.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
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Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio