You create a source attachment and it comes up as one of the source
attachment types. It says "Eclipse Installation" right now.
Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
Yes, I know how to an plugin into eclipse...but from there on what do
I do ?
does it all happen automatically and it starts doing lookups without me telling it what
to do ?
> I could switch it up so it just accepts an ant fileset and is usable
> anywhere.
> To enable it, you have to check out the source, export the project as a
> plugin (aka have PDE build it for you), and then shove the jar in your
> plugins folder. If you need any help just ask.
> - Rob
> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> sounds do I enable it ? And is it only for PDE or usable in general
>> I could see the use of that elsewhere than just PDE.
>> -max
>>> Hi all...
>>> So this past week when I was running 4 different eclipses at once to
>>> determine the differences between wtp 2.0.1 and wtp 2.0.2 in deploying
>>> nested archives (the seam bug), I developed a quick plugin to be able to
>>> add one eclipse's source to source lookup.
>>> The reason I made this is because the current source-lookup options were
>>> absolute crap. Adding a folder is designated for a folder of solely
>>> source files. Adding an archive or external archive is the same. There
>>> was no option to search through a nested folder for all source files.
>>> And when running in one eclipse and debugging the *same instance*, you
>>> could of course use the project which allows you to search all plugins.
>>> This becomes most useful when using one eclipse to debug an *older* (or
>>> newer) version with completely different source. That's basically the
>>> use case. Marshall says he's used it a few times already.
>>> I added it to svn:
>>> jbosstools/trunk/labs/plugins/
>>> There's no binary in svn yet and it's a little rudimentary =P It
>>> basically just searches a root folder (the eclipse installation) for any
>>> zip file that ends in "". Then it delegates to a bunch of
>>> regular external archive source containers for those individual paths.
>>> Future enhancements if I get annoyed enough may be to allow you to add
>>> any ant-type pattern matching. Suggestions are welcome.
>>> Again, I found it to be very very handy and Marshall says he's used it
>>> as well.
>>> - Rob Stryker
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