On 11 Jul 2014, at 12:16, Marijn Haverbeke wrote:
> the challenge with Tern vs Esprima is that one is now EPL and
used in
> Orion
> and thus could be used as extension in/to Eclipse JSDT - the other is
> neither.
Tern and Acorn are MIT licensed, which should be compatibly with just
about anything, including EPL. See
this does not matter for Eclipse projects - what matters first is that
the IP log is clean.
The if the license is *not* EPL it needs to get specific approval to be
If we can get these IP cleared then yes, this could be used - but I
wonder why IBM/orion group
didn't just use tern. They told me "because its not IP cleared"...
In any case - having two different javascript parser for the exact same
thing in eclipse tooling
could be annoying over time.
Thus i'm considering what options do we have for this ?