On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Andersen Max <max.andersen(a)redhat.com>wrote:
(redirecting to the right list )
On May 6, 2010, at 10:13, Andersen Max wrote:
> On May 5, 2010, at 10:26, Yahor Radtsevich wrote:
>> Hi Max,
>> Regular svn updates (with short delta) are acceptable fast (5-10min
under Windows), but in the cases when an old version is needed or to do svn
switch, the updates are much longer:
>> svn update -r21899 (from r21862, 2 days old): 7m9s
>> svn update -r21862 (from r21485, 3 weeks old): 1h12m
>> svn update -r21888 (from r20458, 2.5 months old): 2h57m
> How often do you do such operations ?
I do them to get fresh updates, to commit to both brunches, and sometimes to
find the version in which a bug is introduced. Last month, because of
xulrunner and docs in trunk, my updates took ~8 hours.
> Those times doesn't sound like something excluding documentation will
fix, nor
> do they look extremely slow for a large codebase ?
By deleting all docs from trunk and moving xulrunner to a different
directory, the time of 21485 to 21862 updating has reduced to 0h29m (better
than 2x improvement).
>> Under Linux short updates take 1-2min, and there is no difference for
long ones.
> So the problem is windows ?
I mean that long updates take approximately the same time on both systems.
Thus no, windows is not the problem.
> /max
>> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Andersen Max <max.andersen(a)redhat.com>
>> Thanks for the tip...but How loong are those updates ?
>> doing an svn update for me takes less than 1 minute, sometimes 1.5
>> Rob (who is in China) just did it in 90 seconds from a coffee shop.
>> What is the time for you ?
>> /max
>> On May 4, 2010, at 11:01, Yahor Radtsevich wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> If you, like me, are annoyed by looooong time of trunk updates, there
is a SVN feature to skip directories you do not use. This feature is called
'Sparse Directories'.
>>> For example, to delete directory 'documentation' from your local
of trunk permanently, use the following command:
>>> svn update --set-depth empty documentation
>>> After this command, the documentation directory will be skipped during
further updates and switches. (To restore it back, use --set-depth
>>> Windows users may use the following batch-script to delete all
documentation and *\docs directories at once (just save as deletedocs.bat
and run from trunk directory):
>>> @echo DELETING OF documentation...
>>> svn update --set-depth empty documentation
>>> @echo DELETING OF *\docs:
>>> @FOR /f %%d IN ('dir /b /a:d') DO (
>>> @IF EXIST %%d\docs\.svn (
>>> @echo DELETING OF %%d\docs...
>>> svn update --set-depth empty %%d\docs
>>> )
>>> )
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Yahor Radtsevich
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