>> Is RCPAPP something different than just eclipse with teiid
designer loaded ?
> No. I wrote it like that just to define the difference between the IDE
> and the application that is loaded to test my developement.
okey, normally we call that a PDE launched IDE or similar - RCP is often something very
different ;)
On the same page then. Spent the last couple of years playing with RCP
apps so old habits die hard!
>> Afaik the jboss client are not automatically threadsafe - not
sure what API's
>> Rob S. got in place for talking to the server.
> Looking at it again this morning, this may be the case. I think that I
> am blocking the UI thread when the jboss worker threads need to display
> the dialog for accessing the eclipse secure storage. Think I need to
> move my content provider updates off the UI thread then update the tree
> when the call is complete.
well the threadstack you showed seemed to be inside the client - but yeah, that Future
referenced in there
could for sure be blocking on ui thread.
And yes, for sure do not do these operations in the main ui thread - that will cause all
kind of havoc.
Indeed. Have found ServerContentTreeProvider in
org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.ui so will follow that pattern I think.
>> btw. what version of JBoss Tools are you using for this ?
> Mostly, they are 7.7.1
That's Teiid Designer version, not JBoss Tools version.
Sorry that should have been 7.1.1 in that is the jboss-as jars Designer
is currently depending on. But you've got the idea. Essentially, we are
upgrading Designer to teiid 8.1 so its whatever they currently depend on.
> but some of the ide.eclipse plugins I have
> brought into my workspace from svn trunk.
Okey, so this is JBoss Tools 4 - targeting Juno, JBDS 6.
Definitely Juno, still learning the other version numbers ;-)