Note: this time it was just docs (except a single missing merge in jspmultipageeditor) -
plugin/code committers should also remember this if double commits is needed for what you
are working on.
I were about to merge down the updates I did to the docs for using the released jdocbook
and other misc updates I did and saw
that the recent updates for documentation were done in trunk and not in the 2.1.x branch
- meaning it will not go out with the GA release.
I have now merged branch and trunk so they should be in sync at this moment in time.
Please be *carefull* about where you are comitting things and if things needs to be in
both branches then remember to commit to them both
and *please* use something like so you can keep track of what have been
merged and what have been blocked etc.
See for info.
Please take the time to learn to use that if you are working on multiple branches -
Thank you,