Lets take this on the dev list ;)
In order to include the BIRT Hibernate ODA data source/data set in a
BIRT/Seam web project, I need the org.hibernate.eclipse plugin (BIRT web
project creates an Eclipse configuration in WEB-INF/platform including a
minimal set of non-UI plugins).
Sorry for my ignorance, but what is WEB-INF/platform ? A BIRT thing ?
Does BIRT really require Eclipse plugins to run !?
We don't want to inject our internal plugins into users deployments do we ?
However, org.hibernate.eclipse depends
on org.eclipse.jface and org.eclipse.ui.console. This dependency is
related to log4j only (KnownConfigurations and PluginLogAppender). Can
we remove this depencency? We could try to move logging to the
org.hibernate.eclipse.console plugin, for instance.
What parts do you (as the BIRT plugin) actually need,
and what parts does the user need (as in his BIRT application) ?