>> It's reasonable. For example when target platform is
changed and Eclipse
>> UI behaves differently than previous version we have to fix it within
>> bot ext even when some preferences default value is changed.
> can you point me to a github commit that outlines this ?
> I don't understand why shared code should be affected by target platform change
> /max
Because when target platform is changed Eclipse UI can change behavior.
I don't know commits but here are examples I remember:
- JBT switched to Juno - SWTBot was not able to find toolbar buttons and
we had to implement workaround
- with target platform changed automatic code completion was introduced
(when there is only one item for code completion it's automatically
inserted when user press Ctrl+Space) and we have to add new shared
method working with this scenario.
okey - but those are early stuff - not things that would be caught *after* a CR1 release.
hopefully ;)
But I get your point. tricky ;(