There is a way to test it with aggregate/local-site
Nick, correct me if I'm missing something from or wrong about how whole
process works currently.
So, first get update for build/aggregate/local-site, because I fixed
urls to local update sites and removed remote composite repo to make
this site really local
Then add new feature into component's update site category.xml (which
you probably did already).
Then build everything first with
mvn clean package -DskipTests
and add new feature to aggregated aggregate/site/site.xml and build
aggregated update site locally using
mvn clean package -DskipTests build/aggregate/pom.xml
is a path to your build/aggregate/local-site
Then commit should be done in several steps if you don't want to break
the aggregation build:
1. commit your feature and component/site/category.xml where new
features are included
2. Wait until component is built and update site is published to staging
3. commit aggregated site.xml
this process build aggregate update site from local component's update
On 05/02/2012 02:18 PM, Snjezana Peco wrote:
I have built JBT locally, then started to build site.
Maven has downloaded all components from the remote site.
Nick Boldt wrote:
> Not sure; I'd expect Maven is smart enough to copy from local vs.
> downloading anew if the stuff on the server == stuff already on local.
> N
> On 05/02/2012 03:50 PM, Snjezana Peco wrote:
>> Nick Boldt wrote:
>>> Yes, there is: you run the update site aggregation build locally.
>>> You either get a build, or an error.
>>> If content on disk is newer than remote, site will be built from local
>>> .m2 repo.
>> If they are the same, site will be built from remote?
>> Snjeza
>>> This is how I've been building/testing Central& all the aggregate
>>> sites (JBT Core, JBT SOA, webtools, JBT Core tests, JBT SOA tests,
>>> JBDS Core, JBDS Extras, JBDS SOA), locally for months.
>>> N
>>> On 05/02/2012 11:07 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>> No, because the build is an aggregation designed to pull from
>>>>> upstream.
>>>> hmm....that sucks.
>>>> so no way for devs to actually test their local files such as
>>>> site.xml for correctness ;(
>>>> /max
>>>>> See also this pom, which explains how to build the other
>>>>> aggregates and
>>>>> skip unneeded download steps:
>>>>> On 04/30/2012 07:59 AM, Snjezana Peco wrote:
>>>>>> This command downloads components from the JBoss site.
>>>>>> Is there any command that uses components that are built
>>>>>> Snjeza
>>>>>> Mickael Istria wrote:
>>>>>>> When you got a CI build OK for the component your worked on,
>>>>>>> that:
>>>>>>> cd build/aggregate/site/
>>>>>>> mvn clean install -P jbosstools-nightly-staging-composite
>>>>>>> It will create the aggregated site locally using the latest
>>>>>>> builds
>>>>>>> for all components. If you did something wrong in site.xml,
>>>>>>> fails
>>>>>>> quickly.
>>>>>>> On 04/29/2012 09:47 PM, Snjezana Peco wrote:
>>>>>>>> I have built locally the whole JBoss Tools without any
error. I
>>>>>>>> have used:
>>>>>>>> mvn clean install -DskipTests
>>>>>>>> How can I check if site.xml is valid?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Snjeza
>>>>>>>> Nick Boldt wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Found& fixed a typo in the
aggregate/site/site.xml which was
>>>>>>>>> preventing it from finding the new feature.
>>>>>>>>> Next spin should be good - also running locally to
>>>>>>>>> Devs, when you're adding new features, please
ensure your
>>>>>>>>> changes to
>>>>>>>>> shared components (eg.,
build/aggregate/site/site.xml) build
>>>>>>>>> locally
>>>>>>>>> before committing!
>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>>>> On 04/27/2012 06:30 PM, Snjezana Peco wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> The source lookup feature builds locally.
>>>>>>>>>> Snjeza
>>>>>>>>>> Max Andersen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Nick - forgot to mention snjezana will be
adding sourcelookup
>>>>>>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>>>>>> maven component as a separate feature.
>>>>>>>>>>> If you spot something problematic
dependency/build wise then
>>>>>>>>>>> let me
>>>>>>>>>>> know.
>>>>>>>>>>> /max (sent from my phone)
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>>>>> Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
>>>>> Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools& Dev Studio
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