Commit to both branches - don't you have two copies or do you
really do svn switch between them ?
I have them now, but remembering old days it was faster to do svn switches, than to
maintain a copy. And it does not solve the problem with rolling back to previous
that all depends on the amount of deltas which will always vary over time.
> > do they look extremely slow for a large codebase ?
> By deleting all docs from trunk and moving xulrunner to a different directory, the
time of 21485 to 21862 updating has reduced to 0h29m (better than 2x improvement).
because changes happend in that area, right - if those changes happened in VPE or JSF
would you also want to remove that ? :)
The idea is to exclude all _unnecessary_ folders from local copy :) It is simple and it
And docs are unnecessary ? They need to be built and maintained too...not just by doc team
But yeah, if splitting the build up doesn't help in this area
moving docs might be the best option, but not right now.