I built it too.
I had to update my Ubuntu to 13.10 and also installed nokogiri from:
and nodejs.
Everything works.
This is really nice.
Thank you, Xavier!
On 01/07/2014 01:48 AM, Xavier Coulon wrote:
> On 6 Jan 2014, at 21:13, Denis Golovin wrote:
>> Xavier,
>> there is a problem in readme
>> rvm gemset create jbosstools
>> should be
>> rvm gemset create jbosstools-website
>> or it wont work.
> hmm - why ? jbosstools is what is referred to in the .rmvrc file.
> jbosstools-website is just another name. 'jbosstools' is just what I added to
try and have one for all ruby related works
> for jbosstools-*. You could use any name though - not a requirement...
My fault, I think I renamed it to "jbosstools-website" while having issues with
rvm gemsets.
>> Also after 'rake preview' called would be good to mention that site is
available only after
>> [2014-01-06 11:48:01] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=24294 port=4242
>> appears in console output.
> Make a PR :)
I fixed it in the README as well ;-)
>> After I figured out all above it works :)
> cool!
Awesome ;-)
> /max
>> Thanks
>> Denis
>> On 12/20/2013 10:07 AM, Xavier Coulon wrote:
>>> Hello everyone !
>>> We finally have a draft of the upcoming website to share with you. It's
not complete, but it's hopefully in a good enough shape so you can take a look at it
and see how it's organized:
>>> The code source for the site is on the github repo (on the 'master'
and we have setup Travis
>> automatically run a build when changes are pushed to master and if it passes it
will be published to the staging server (github pages at the moment).
>>> Most of the pages come from Asciidoctor files, so for example, in the future,
writing N&N should be as simple as submitting a PR with a file like this one:
>>> You will notice that github now renders .adoc files, thus N&N are also
readable from github directly (raw version is here:
>>> Other pages such as those under
are generated from some yaml files such as
>>> We still need to fix links and add some content but the general layout of
news/blogs, downloads, features and New and noteworthy is there.
>>> We'll take care of this next week or when we come back from vacations.
>>> Please, give us our feedback by commenting
with anything that seems wrong/missing/broken on the site - or just reply to the mail if
you like it ;-).
>>> If you want to build the site locally and try it out you can read
which should provide enough details.
>> If those instructions does not work for you let us know!
>>> In the mean time, let us wish you a merry Christmas break.
>>> Best regards
>> Xavier and Max.
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