I'm now running a job every 5 minutes which brings a local svn mirror uptodate, git
svn fetches/rebases a git repo and then
git push mirror to
This is a *mirror* meaning its only for reading and to get changes back to svn you need to
learn and understand git and its git svn dcommit
I'll push out some links/instructions when I wake up after the weekend.
Btw. as you notice that some usernames like nickboldt and snjeza is recognized in the
github UI and others aren't.
Those should be fixable by you simply adding the email you have registered in your jira
account to your github account (you can have multiple emails btw.)
I've also added those that reacted previously about github usernames into the
jbosstools organization at
Please check if you usernames are correct and if you are missing let me know ;)